This is just a random half formed idea I had. When a lot of people on the forum talk about the kitsunes, the main complaint is that the kitsunes feel like they are in their own game with little to no connection to the broader story. So, I had an idea to maybe rectify that.
My idea is that Tollus need something from the Kitsune den. He finds out that there are a lot of disaffected kitsune youth in the den. The main issue with the youths is that they feel trapped by the rigid den strictures and want to be freer to pursue own destinies. Why should they hold themselves to a homeland that not even their grandparents ever stepped foot in? In fact, your presence really infuriates them because you, a foreigner, are freer in the den than they are.
Tollus decides to use an old tactic from his playbook and decided to use the youths as his pawns. Tollus promises them that if they follow him that they would be free from the stifling rules by removing Keros's control over their soul. (Tollus is technically correct in that Keros will no longer be in control of your soul if you no longer have a soul and become a kitsune youkai.)
In a disturbing parallel to what happened to Hawkthorne years ago, the den suddenly gets ambushed by their own youth. You have to defend the den with the help of their loyal denizens such as Miko, Mai, Azami, Nakano, and Kazuo. How helpful they are depends on how many den side quests you did. In this battle, you can retreat a space to get a full heal and a new kitsune partner, but you can only do this so many times. Each round you face a horde of kitsune youths and you and your party are under massive debuffs due to the fact that you are trying to solve this non-lethally. Essentially, you are going through den of foxes in reverse.
The golden ending of this side quest is that while Tollus get what he wants and a small handful of the kitsune youths do become youkai and join Tollus, the den and the rest of the youths are saved. Komari is obviously distraught by what happened and decides that the den cannot protect itself by being completely isolationist. Komari appoints a couple of the kitsunes, I'm thinking Hotaru and Tetsuya, to be ambassadors to Khor'minos and The Winter City for tentative cooperation against the demon threat.
Again, this is just a random idea I had. What do you guys think?
My idea is that Tollus need something from the Kitsune den. He finds out that there are a lot of disaffected kitsune youth in the den. The main issue with the youths is that they feel trapped by the rigid den strictures and want to be freer to pursue own destinies. Why should they hold themselves to a homeland that not even their grandparents ever stepped foot in? In fact, your presence really infuriates them because you, a foreigner, are freer in the den than they are.
Tollus decides to use an old tactic from his playbook and decided to use the youths as his pawns. Tollus promises them that if they follow him that they would be free from the stifling rules by removing Keros's control over their soul. (Tollus is technically correct in that Keros will no longer be in control of your soul if you no longer have a soul and become a kitsune youkai.)
In a disturbing parallel to what happened to Hawkthorne years ago, the den suddenly gets ambushed by their own youth. You have to defend the den with the help of their loyal denizens such as Miko, Mai, Azami, Nakano, and Kazuo. How helpful they are depends on how many den side quests you did. In this battle, you can retreat a space to get a full heal and a new kitsune partner, but you can only do this so many times. Each round you face a horde of kitsune youths and you and your party are under massive debuffs due to the fact that you are trying to solve this non-lethally. Essentially, you are going through den of foxes in reverse.
The golden ending of this side quest is that while Tollus get what he wants and a small handful of the kitsune youths do become youkai and join Tollus, the den and the rest of the youths are saved. Komari is obviously distraught by what happened and decides that the den cannot protect itself by being completely isolationist. Komari appoints a couple of the kitsunes, I'm thinking Hotaru and Tetsuya, to be ambassadors to Khor'minos and The Winter City for tentative cooperation against the demon threat.
Again, this is just a random idea I had. What do you guys think?