kiro cockpit new scene help


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2020
I saved kiro extremely quickly so as to save her from being bimbofied and really want to see this new scene. What settings do i need to edit in the titsed save editor to make a bimbofied kiro save to experiment with?

I've tried fiddling with 'kiro' and 'kq' flags a bit but nothing seemed to stick and the editor is limited in what explanations it gives for most variables.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
How long ago did you save her? Do you have a saved game file from just before?

For future reference, one of the benefits of having so many save file slots is saving just before branch points and naming them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2020
How long ago did you save her? Do you have a saved game file from just before?

For future reference, one of the benefits of having so many save file slots is saving just before branch points and naming them.

Theres too many branches to keep track of so i generally don't bother, especially since i can almost always do a save edit in a duplicated save to experiment, like i am trying to do now, i just need to know what flags need changing to create the exact scenario i am in, only having let Kiro be bimbofied.

No offence but i'd prefer to wait for someone who can instruct me in that rather than discuss the benefits of multiple saves, such a discussion will not help me now and as such, is simply a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2019
Theres too many branches to keep track of so i generally don't bother, especially since i can almost always do a save edit in a duplicated save to experiment, like i am trying to do now, i just need to know what flags need changing to create the exact scenario i am in, only having let Kiro be bimbofied.

No offence but i'd prefer to wait for someone who can instruct me in that rather than discuss the benefits of multiple saves, such a discussion will not help me now and as such, is simply a waste of time.
So sadly I haven't managed to figure it either, I've tried on numerous occasions to edit multiple different saves trying to see if I can get Bimbo Kiro, or just milky kiro, etc. to no avail. Honestly your best option is creating a new save and just editing it so that you have a the prerequisites for the Kiro Quest and doing it over. However if it helps I'm certain the main flags for Kiro being a bimbo and vice versa are:
KQ_START (start of the quest in hours)
KQ_RESCUED (end of quest in hours)
There's probs one i'm missing which is why I'm unable to figure it out, I suppose if I actually looked at the code itself I could but I'm not that invested, yet.


Well-Known Member
Strictly speaking, the only thing you need to make Kiro a bimbo is to give her the Ditz Speech perk. If you want to be true to the events of KiroQuest, you'll also need to set the flag KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF to 48, KQ_RESCUED to some value greater than KQ_START + 2880 (so that the quest was finished over 48 hours after it started) and make the following changes to Kiro:
  • Increase her refractory rate by 1 and lip size mod by 2
  • Give her the MinCumQ and Evermilk perks, with v1 values of 2000 and 5000 respectively
  • Increase her raw breast rating by 33
  • Increase her vaginal and anal bonus capacities by 250 each


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2020
Strictly speaking, the only thing you need to make Kiro a bimbo is to give her the Ditz Speech perk. If you want to be true to the events of KiroQuest, you'll also need to set the flag KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF to 48, KQ_RESCUED to some value greater than KQ_START + 2880 (so that the quest was finished over 48 hours after it started) and make the following changes to Kiro:
  • Increase her refractory rate by 1 and lip size mod by 2
  • Give her the MinCumQ and Evermilk perks, with v1 values of 2000 and 5000 respectively
  • Increase her raw breast rating by 33
  • Increase her vaginal and anal bonus capacities by 250 each

I love you, thank you! I'll be doing this later, this was exactly what i was looking for. :D