KaraQuest Part 2 Fatal Error


New Member
Aug 14, 2022
A fatal error occurs on KaraQuest Part 2 and I can not finish it.
I am at the end of KaraQuest Part 2 and after speaking to Watson I activated the self-destruct and autosaved after exiting onto the roof. I fought Amara but no matter what I do from here, the game crashes with a Critical Error. Sleep with her, dont sleep with her, vag or dick sex, leave or spend the night, every time the quest is supossed to end, critical error and game crash. The only one that doesn't crash is avoiding the fight and betraying Kara for cash and I really dont like that decision for my current Steele.

``` Version: 0.9.013-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#2332 Message: Maximum call stack size exceeded Stack:
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at o.get (file:///C:/Users/David%20Laptop/Downloads/TiTS/TiTS-public-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.f169168d.js:1:9673574)
at e.get (file:///C:/Users/David%20Laptop/Downloads/TiTS/TiTS-public-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.f169168d.js:1:9677787)
at o.get (file:///C:/Users/David%20Laptop/Downloads/TiTS/TiTS-public-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.f169168d.js:1:9673614)
at e.get (file:///C:/Users/David%20Laptop/Downloads/TiTS/TiTS-public-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.f169168d.js:1:9677787)
at o.get (file:///C:/Users/David%20Laptop/Downloads/TiTS/TiTS-public-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.f169168d.js:1:9673614)
at e.get (file:///C:/Users/David%20Laptop/Downloads/TiTS/TiTS-public-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.f169168d.js:1:9677787)
at o.get (file:///C:/Users/David%20Laptop/Downloads/TiTS/TiTS-public-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.f169168d.js:1:9673614)
at e.get (file:///C:/Users/David%20Laptop/Downloads/TiTS/TiTS-public-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.f169168d.js:1:9677787)
at o.get (file:///C:/Users/David%20Laptop/Downloads/TiTS/TiTS-public-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.f169168d.js:1:9673614)
at e.get (file:///C:/Users/David%20Laptop/Downloads/TiTS/TiTS-public-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.f169168d.js:1:9677787)


  • Fatal Error (H) - 20Hrs 7Mins, 34 Days - Myrellion, Sindathu.json
    646.3 KB · Views: 2


Apr 27, 2016
Cool thanks. Let me know if you find anything. :)
I replied to you on discord as well, but the bug happens when the game tries to move your ship. If you are not on mobile, you can use the console to get around this: hit F12, then enter


Then proceed with the fight as normal.

Otherwise, you can just wait for the next patch.