Kara Quest 2 question?


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
I've been seeing some stuff around the blog related to it for awhile that has confused me a little. I always see people talking about a "choice" between Kara and Shade in Kara Quest 2, but I don't remember having to make one in my main playthrough. I know depending on your actions you can be given a choice, but I see some people phrase like having to make a choice is the only option. It was a while back, but I remember her being disappointed in my character as well as feeling hurt, but then just letting us pass because she couldn't bring herself to fight my character. I think this was after she found out she was my sister by touching the probe and I decided to tell her. I remember being able to actually retrieve the probe (and I think get paid for it by the company?) by running out of diplomatic options with Tavira, then defeating her (with lust I think), then sparing her and getting the Nyrean Royal perk without marriage, and then the event happened when I got back to my ship. That was the only time I saw the event, though.There's also all this talk about a bomb and nuking Myrellion that I don't remember being mentioned during the quest. I haven't played too much in awhile, so was something changed that I'm unaware of or am I confusing Kara Quest 2 for something else?


Aug 26, 2015
For the nuking, if Steele does not have a "nice" personality, they are able to initiate the base's self destruct sequence. After doing that and the base successfully explodes, the orbiting U.G.C. forces will see it as a military threat and nuke the surface of Myrellion. This option presents itself in the A.I. room after talking to Watson and is not an essential part of the quest (and can be easily glossed over if not paying attention) but it has huge game-changing consequences.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Ah, okay. Thanks. I only ever play a "nice" Steele, so it makes sense that I'd never encountered that. I can never really make my character do something bad to see the consequences of it without resetting once the event is over, so I've never really seen the long term effects of a mean Steele. The closest to it I get is when I sometimes take Tam Wolf, but I still feel kind of bad at the end of the mission when Tam is cursing me out. 
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
For the nuking, if Steele does not have a "nice" personality, they are able to initiate the base's self destruct sequence. After doing that and the base successfully explodes, the orbiting U.G.C. forces will see it as a military threat and nuke the surface of Myrellion. This option presents itself in the A.I. room after talking to Watson and is not an essential part of the quest (and can be easily glossed over if not paying attention) but it has huge game-changing consequences.

That's not exactly what happens. The UGC actually reneg on their threat and leave. It's the Myr who actually throw the nukes around. The UGC wasn't planning on using nukes at all; their ships have kinetic weapons.

I've been seeing some stuff around the blog related to it for awhile that has confused me a little. I always see people talking about a "choice" between Kara and Shade in Kara Quest 2, but I don't remember having to make one in my main playthrough. I know depending on your actions you can be given a choice, but I see some people phrase like having to make a choice is the only option. It was a while back, but I remember her being disappointed in my character as well as feeling hurt, but then just letting us pass because she couldn't bring herself to fight my character. I think this was after she found out she was my sister by touching the probe and I decided to tell her. I remember being able to actually retrieve the probe (and I think get paid for it by the company?) by running out of diplomatic options with Tavira, then defeating her (with lust I think), then sparing her and getting the Nyrean Royal perk without marriage, and then the event happened when I got back to my ship. That was the only time I saw the event, though.There's also all this talk about a bomb and nuking Myrellion that I don't remember being mentioned during the quest. I haven't played too much in awhile, so was something changed that I'm unaware of or am I confusing Kara Quest 2 for something else?

Karaquest 2 actually (I think) includes the scene in the bar, wherein you can choose to fight Shade, or betray Kara, or do what you were paid to do and distract her with flirting (and possibly sex). If you flirt with Shade, Kara gets away clean and no further 'choice' between the two needs to be made. Later, you get a choice to betray Kara again, during the confrontration with Amara.

If you collected the probe (and therefore told Shade she's your half-sister or lied about it), Shade shouldn't show up at the Pirate Base at all. The only way she does show up is if you settle things with Taivra non-violently, in which case Shade will refuse to fight Steele if Shade and Steele are romantically involved; in that case, you'll have an argument about it back at the Myrellion bar.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
The seducing/bar thing is Kara Quest 1. If what you say is true about the probe, then I probably did that event after the Kara Quest 2 instead of before and I just misremembered. Like I said, it's been awhile. Thanks for the info guys.


Aug 26, 2015
That's not exactly what happens. The UGC actually reneg on their threat and leave. It's the Myr who actually throw the nukes around. The UGC wasn't planning on using nukes at all; their ships have kinetic weapons.

Ah, your right. "The nuke" is actually part the base's self destruct, so that going off will trigger the myr planet-side to wage war on their own (with nukes and other weapons, no less). From there, the entire U.G.C. fleet retreats.

Blackwater Syn

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Steele does not have a "nice" personality

OOooohhh, so that's why I didn't see it.

Hmm. I wonder how many planets you will be able to bork before this games over, and if it'll have an impact on the ending. Like, you leave enough destruction in your wake, and the horrible press you get when the universe finds out winds up leaving your coffers bare when no one buys your product.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
OOooohhh, so that's why I didn't see it.

Hmm. I wonder how many planets you will be able to bork before this games over, and if it'll have an impact on the ending. Like, you leave enough destruction in your wake, and the horrible press you get when the universe finds out winds up leaving your coffers bare when no one buys your product.

Nah, there are enough scumbags, including rich scumbags, in the universe that I think Steele could be the most horrible person ever and still make legitimate bank. It's not like Steele tech has a ton of faulty products. A mega corp like Steele tech probably has a chain of command a lightyear long and as CEO it's unlikely you'll have too much direct involvement in most of the products even if you wanted to purposely make them faulty for whatever reason.
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