Just throwing random shit at the wall


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
So here's just some random ideas I was having.

1) Different multiple tails? At the moment, tailcount is a separate value and tails are not arrays like genitalia. However, if each tail could be a separate object, like how we can have an anemone and demon cock, perhaps we can also have a tailcock and a tailpussy at once?

2) Fuckable Nipple / Lipple impregnation? Not an impregnation of a true sort, but more like anal pregnancies where eggs are laid inside you. Remember those slutty fairies that fucked your nips back in CoC? Imagine them, but with ovipositors to lay small fairy eggs. I mean, there's gotta be a world in TiTS out there with miniature humanoid aliens right?

3) Why does the combat menu 'Fantasize' merely increase your lust a little bit? Why not just replace it with something like 'Submit' that'll allow you to get right to the sex scene without having to press Fantasize repeatedly until the lust bar is full? I mean, at the core of it, TiTS is a game based on sex after all. And clearly if the PC is fantasizing (not even Waiting, which is available in the specials submenu), then she/he clearly wants to be taken. Why delay the inevitable? I'm honestly curious about this one.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1) Probably a bitch to code.

2) Might come in later.

3) Sometimes you may wish to only increase your lust to such an extent that you can take advantage of your opponent when said foe is down.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
On 1st idea: It was stated that code was written to never support more than one tail type (multiple tails of same kind yes, multiple types of tails no). And yeah common thing meantion with this is that people want have tail cunt and tailcock at the same time. So sorry I gonna probably break your bubble but this not gonna happen ever.

Other two I think it may be in a pile of stuff named "to be done someday" (fuckublae nipples/dicknipples/etc. I think will be a thing when Fen and Co. get ot it eventualy). On replacing Fantasize with Submit I think better will be add 2nd button named and working as you proposed.

As Woider said some people do actualy just want get some lust to get over 33 at the end of fight to sex enemy in win not loose scene (submit option sounds like it would rather proc lose scenes not win ones and even then how game will know which type of scenes you want to see? That would again made devs add some another pop up to this option to choose if we see win/lose sex scenes choices).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As Woider said some people do actualy just want get some lust to get over 33 at the end of fight to sex enemy in win not loose scene (submit option sounds like it would rather proc lose scenes not win ones and even then how game will know which type of scenes you want to see? That would again made devs add some another pop up to this option to choose if we see win/lose sex scenes choices).

It makes more sense for the submission scenes to be random, as from the enemies' perspective, they pick just as you do when you win. And yes, I use fantasize alot to get to Vanae scenes at higher levels, for the ball-growing and stuff. Same can be said for scenes where you only get one shot, like with the Nyrean Princess or Tam-Tam.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
It makes more sense for the submission scenes to be random, as from the enemies' perspective, they pick just as you do when you win. And yes, I use fantasize alot to get to Vanae scenes at higher levels, for the ball-growing and stuff. Same can be said for scenes where you only get one shot, like with the Nyrean Princess or Tam-Tam.
3 of player victory over Vanae scenes get you the same ball growth and such exposure to Vanae milk that the loss scenes get you - titfuck, squirt & jerk, and milk bath.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
B-but that would mean I have to lose a fight! *pouts*

No, it would mean the opposite.

I interpreted your original post as you using fantasize to get the loss scenes for nut growth et al.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
On 1st idea: It was stated that code was written to never support more than one tail type (multiple tails of same kind yes, multiple types of tails no). And yeah common thing meantion with this is that people want have tail cunt and tailcock at the same time. So sorry I gonna probably break your bubble but this not gonna happen ever.

Other two I think it may be in a pile of stuff named "to be done someday" (fuckublae nipples/dicknipples/etc. I think will be a thing when Fen and Co. get ot it eventualy). On replacing Fantasize with Submit I think better will be add 2nd button named and working as you proposed.

As Woider said some people do actualy just want get some lust to get over 33 at the end of fight to sex enemy in win not loose scene (submit option sounds like it would rather proc lose scenes not win ones and even then how game will know which type of scenes you want to see? That would again made devs add some another pop up to this option to choose if we see win/lose sex scenes choices).

1) Probably a bitch to code.

2) Might come in later.

3) Sometimes you may wish to only increase your lust to such an extent that you can take advantage of your opponent when said foe is down.

Ah yeah well, bubble burst, but eh, it's not that bad. I can live with that xD

Oh yeah, I never took into thought that they might just be wanting to increase their lust to the point they can proc the win scene after defeating the enemy. Got too used to a high minimum lust on CoC I suppose. A second button to submit and instantly proc a defeat scene would be nice yeah, even if it's not the exact specific scene I wanna see (because all the scenes are pretty damn well written). The idea of submitting to the enemy itself is hot to me tbh.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Fantasizing was to gain access to certain win scenes. Replacing with submit would ruin this. Might also be a carry-over from CoC, seeing that a lot of magic needed a certain level of lust. Who knows, maybe Psi will work similarly in TiTS.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Fantasizing was to gain access to certain win scenes. Replacing with submit would ruin this. Might also be a carry-over from CoC, seeing that a lot of magic needed a certain level of lust. Who knows, maybe Psi will work similarly in TiTS.

I think the logic (though ignored in some cases) is that if you're not horny you won't want to fuck. So minimum lust of 33 is horny enough to want it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, but some magic in CoC had a requisite Lust of up to 70 or so. But this is assuming there will be an equivalent in TITS, of which there is no guarantee. Btw, was 33 really the highest needed for any sex scene?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, but some magic in CoC had a requisite Lust of up to 70 or so. But this is assuming there will be an equivalent in TITS, of which there is no guarantee. Btw, was 33 really the highest needed for any sex scene?

Lowest, and yes for the vast majority. Nyrea, for example, don't require lust. Most NPC's, named or not, enounters or static, require that 33 minimum.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

The idea of submitting to the enemy itself is hot to me tbh.
And that's totally alright. It's not for me, but alot of people get off on it. Having a submit button in addition to Fantasize would be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
And that's totally alright. It's not for me, but alot of people get off on it. Having a submit button in addition to Fantasize would be a good thing.

Thanks ^_^  I mean, in terms of coding, I don't think it will be too hard either. Anybody heard of a Word of God on the matter? Any future plans along a similar vein?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In TiTS I think min lust is kinda able to be replaced with high enough libido as some scenes tell about needing to have 33 lust or high libido (forgot how high). So maybe we will never get anything that rise our min lust here instead relay on having libido high (and well that after we get ways to lower/rise it easy as long we got enough credits I think).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In TiTS I think min lust is kinda able to be replaced with high enough libido as some scenes tell about needing to have 33 lust or high libido (forgot how high). So maybe we will never get anything that rise our min lust here instead relay on having libido high (and well that after we get ways to lower/rise it easy as long we got enough credits I think).

I believe you're referring to public masturbation. That requires either high exhibitionism or high libido, same minimum lust of 33 though to masturbate no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I believe you're referring to public masturbation. That requires either high exhibitionism or high libido, same minimum lust of 33 though to masturbate no matter what.

Other scenes also reffer to that. But only one I can remember is one of Anno scenes where you can't get 2nd part of scene if your lust isn't high enough after 1st part of the scene or you have high enough libido. I not know if there is more of such exapmles added recently since not actively looking for them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Other scenes also reffer to that. But only one I can remember is one of Anno scenes where you can't get 2nd part of scene if your lust isn't high enough after 1st part of the scene or you have high enough libido. I not know if there is more of such exapmles added recently since not actively looking for them.

Lust or libido, yes, but "sufficiently high" as in having the 33 lust right after a sex scene, easily done with buffs/perks that keep it there. As far as I know, no scene requires more than 33 lust.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Lust or libido, yes, but "sufficiently high" as in having the 33 lust right after a sex scene, easily done with buffs/perks that keep it there. As far as I know, no scene requires more than 33 lust.

It not needed since CoC times it was min req lust for sex scenes (even that here we can rise max lust but that not the point). Hmm do we got now any perk/buffs to keep lust at that 33 pts? I think atm it all about have high libido that will turn into fast filling lustmeter even inbtween parts of the scene or so I think it was intend to work with having high libido.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It not needed since CoC times it was min req lust for sex scenes (even that here we can rise max lust but that not the point). Hmm do we got now any perk/buffs to keep lust at that 33 pts? I think atm it all about have high libido that will turn into fast filling lustmeter even inbtween parts of the scene or so I think it was intend to work with having high libido.

I think Ellie milk and/or Lieve venom are the buffs, perk is from Dumbfuck but that's only +10 minimum


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That dumbfuck perk rise minimal libido aswell along lust so I think it will make lust been usualy a lil over that base 10 anyway. And true Ellie/Lieve can boost but just temporaly so only more pernament is that perk. Yet in future I see chances to get 1-2 more ways to rise min lust above 10.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That dumbfuck perk rise minimal libido aswell along lust so I think it will make lust been usualy a lil over that base 10 anyway. And true Ellie/Lieve can boost but just temporaly so only more pernament is that perk. Yet in future I see chances to get 1-2 more ways to rise min lust above 10.

That's why Ellie and Lieve are buffs, not perks. They're time limited. Also, libido amount does not control minimum lust amount.