[ Java] CastleRock


Jul 31, 2017
Alpha 4 Update - November 30th, 2017.



Combat Changes:
General quality of life improvements to combat which ultimately creates a new ‘late game’ for combat. Previously combat end conditions were somewhat unclear and spontaneous. Combat now continues until the player is ready for it to end. Players have more options when they are losing or lost, and even after the fight as well.

The fleeing aspect has been improved, while under the hood system is unchanged, it’s build up is now visible and players can now see how close combatants are to escaping. Player Parties now follow the player out on flee attempts. Enemy fighting styles have been adapted and can attempt to flee as well.

Robots are now a bit different in combat, no longer requiring energy like the rest of us living souls. Players will discover they will need to use different strategies when fighting these mobs.

Perks and Experience:
Experience gains have been greatly increased, and perk cost has been adjusted. Basic Brood Mother and Engineering Perks can be purchasable. Each level unlocking additional tiers which give recruitment access to higher level mobs. Tier 1 – Drone/ Bloatfly, Tier 2 – Rover/ Leyak, Tier 3 – Android. Programmer and Hive Mind perks allow the player to completely control the respective party member type during combat. Finally Butcher/Scrapper perks which give extra resources from combat victories.

New Event:
Players can now discover enemies already partaking in sexual acts. While exploring alone, the requirement for sneaking up and watching is only [4] Smart, with an additional point required for each extra party member.

New Enemies:
Another Ekdromoi tribe member, the Ekdromai. Another female family member with a skittish fighting style found in fields and scrapyards past the n1 range.
An Android, a humanoid robot found in scrapyards past the n1 range, can be repaired as a party member if the player has the engineering 3 perk.
The Rover enemy has been retextured slightly, and is now also able to acquired as a party member if the player has the engineering 2 perk.

New Animations:
(1) Female Climax animation for Female X (Generic) Male.
(2) Android X (Generic) Female
(3) Android X (Generic) Male
(4) Drone X (Generic) Female
(5) Male X (Small Breasted) Female – (Ekdromai)
(6) Male X (Small Breasted) Female – (Ekdromai)
(7) Rover X (Small Breasted) Female – (Ekdromai)

New Filter Options:
Very specific filter options which effect enemy spawns. –It does not yet filter the voyeur special event--
If all the mobs are disabled in a biome, a filler enemy “Dinki Di” will appear instead. There are no lewds associated with this mob. It’s more of a failsafe condition when all enemies are disabled.


And some other links if you're looking for more info.

Female Protagonist
OVIPOS - Lamia
Monster Girl x Monster Guys
Tentacle - Futa
Tentacle - Lamia
Tentacle - Female
Robot - Female

About 18 enemy types and around 53 animations.
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Active Member
Jul 22, 2017
Oh! I was there with you at the time. I remember your game. Seemed fun. Glad to see it's still in development. Side note; Might wanna tell a mod to move this to "Showcase", as that's where developers and creators can show off their stuff.

None the less, nice to see you're still around from that contest (along with a couple others, too, apparently). I'll have to follow this again.


Jul 31, 2017
Okay, but... pairings and fetishes list?

Alright added some.

Oh! I was there with you at the time. I remember your game. Seemed fun. Glad to see it's still in development. Side note; Might wanna tell a mod to move this to "Showcase", as that's where developers and creators can show off their stuff.

None the less, nice to see you're still around from that contest (along with a couple others, too, apparently). I'll have to follow this again.

Oh great. It's come a long way since then. I'll try and find a mod.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
I've been seeing this game talked about on 4chan. From the little bit I've played it seems real well done and likely to appeal to many. You can't make a male protagonist though so I won't be actively looking forward to it's progress unless that changes. I encourage you to continue despite my personal distaste for playing female characters though, there are many here and elsewhere that don't share my adamant position on that.

It's always good to have another quality game out there, even if it won't appeal to my personal tastes.

Mad Maru

Nov 1, 2016
this game has no male characters only female characters which is a turn off for me and I don't like female only protagonist games.
Don't play it, then?
How are these "I don't like it, because X is not my cup of tea" sort of comments supposed to help anyone?

I like this game so far. Female protagonists are a thumbs up for me. Also, it looks somewhat like Fallout, at least in terms of UI, which is great.
However, it seems like there isn't much to do at the moment, aside from combat. I really hope to see come NPC interactions and so forth in the upcoming versions.


Active Member
Jul 22, 2017
Don't play it, then?
How are these "I don't like it, because X is not my cup of tea" sort of comments supposed to help anyone?

I like this game so far. Female protagonists are a thumbs up for me. Also, it looks somewhat like Fallout, at least in terms of UI, which is great.
However, it seems like there isn't much to do at the moment, aside from combat. I really hope to see come NPC interactions and so forth in the upcoming versions.
While the way it was said isn't exactly what I'd call constructive, I'd agree, all game devs have to take the voices of those interested to mind. In this case, since many are asking or wanting male characters, the developer knows now, 'Ok, I should add some male characters, and then let people know.' This is what helps grow an audience. Just sayin'.

That aside, I do love the structure and UI of the game, as well as much of it's function. Though, I do agree it would be nice to see some further character customization in the future.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Don't play it, then?
How are these "I don't like it, because X is not my cup of tea" sort of comments supposed to help anyone?

I like this game so far. Female protagonists are a thumbs up for me. Also, it looks somewhat like Fallout, at least in terms of UI, which is great.
However, it seems like there isn't much to do at the moment, aside from combat. I really hope to see come NPC interactions and so forth in the upcoming versions.
If you have no intention of ever adding the option to play as a male PC, then it's important to say so from the outset in the OP. Along with pairings and fetishes, this is an important detail for people when they're figuring out if they want to play your game or not. I took a look around the blog for a bit trying to see if that information in obvious or quick information areas and didn't see anything about it.

One quick question about the design. When looking at the page about lewds, you mentioned that you wanted to make sure that win/loss didn't factor into whether or not the player sees sex and on the enemy screen it says that each themed around a specific fetishes. I'm not sure if these mix well together, if the player does not want to see specific content can they avoid it somehow? Often the advantage of requiring a loss is that the player has to 'consent' to a scene by losing the fight to trigger it. While the advantage of having sex in the fights is when the whole game is focused on one particular thing and you're able to keep the action going continuously, so to speak. Is there an advantage from doing both together?


Jul 31, 2017
too bad you removed the MxM from the old version.

I haven't removed anything friend, not sure what you're referring to.

this game has no male characters only female characters which is a turn off for me and I don't like female only protagonist games.

I've been seeing this game talked about on 4chan. From the little bit I've played it seems real well done and likely to appeal to many. You can't make a male protagonist though so I won't be actively looking forward to it's progress unless that changes. I encourage you to continue despite my personal distaste for playing female characters though, there are many here and elsewhere that don't share my adamant position on that.. .

If you have no intention of ever adding the option to play as a male PC, then it's important to say so from the outset in the OP. Along with pairings and fetishes, this is an important detail for people when they're figuring out if they want to play your game or not.

A male pc has been planned from the get go, and the systems in place have been developed with that in mind. Personally I like both, but from a development point it I thought it was better to start with femanon. It came down to scenarios like -- If there is a male and female bandit, and the player is female, the lewd bits would be MF Win and Lose, and FF Win and Lose. Which was a preferred pairing compared to a male player character which would have MF Win and Lose, and MM Win and Lose animations.

... I took a look around the blog for a bit trying to see if that information in obvious or quick information areas and didn't see anything about it....
I'll put together an FAQ on the blog.

...if the player does not want to see specific content can they avoid it somehow?...

Not yet, I intend to include content filters in the options menu to disable/ enable enemies.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
A male pc has been planned from the get go, and the systems in place have been developed with that in mind. Personally I like both, but from a development point it I thought it was better to start with femanon. It came down to scenarios like -- If there is a male and female bandit, and the player is female, the lewd bits would be MF Win and Lose, and FF Win and Lose. Which was a preferred pairing compared to a male player character which would have MF Win and Lose, and MM Win and Lose animations.
Ah, well then my concerns are answered. I'm not into M/M(traps/shemales excluded) so it's likely to still not appeal to me until the content filter is in but with the knowledge that one day I WILL be able to be a man changes everything.

It's a smart move to start with a female considering there are much more people that are accepting or ambivalent to lesbian content but it's good to know that there'll be the option at some point.

So I think I will be keeping an eye on progress, although distantly until later into development.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2016
This is an exciting looking game. It feels kinda like what happens when you sex mod fallout but in 2d. I have no real problems with it and my only hope is that this grows into a fully fledged version of itself unlike to many other games before it.

I'm good with female and male but since people are shouting their own preferences out i may as well throw mine in as well for good measure! I like playing shemales and would love the option in the future for a shemale MC. Futa is also acceptable though less desirable personally.

If such options are NEVER going to be a thing however it would be nice to know now if you're sure of it. I'm more than happy to just play as you want it.

I'm fine with the game itself and you have done a good job. Would be more than happy to wait a few years before getting my personal preference and till then i'll just enjoy myself with what i'm given.

You have a good looking base to build from and if you keep it up i'm sure this will turn into something real special with lots of possibilities. I wish you luck!
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Aug 27, 2015
i played previous versions where you could be a male....now you can only be a female so that means MxM was removed.


Jul 31, 2017
Update: Alpha 2 release
Download: CastleRock.itch.io/castlerock


Saving + New Game (+) Player Character

Legacy Support: Enabled Shader toggle on/off.
GUI Improvements to starting menu and combat buttons. “Select Target” has been removed and replaced with the 4 enemies.
New Enemy : Venus with 2 new animations. –Tentacle Plant Monster.
New Enemy : Ekdroma with 2 new lesbian animations. – A fit tribal warrior. (The 1st of 4 upcoming tribal enemies.

Misc New Animations: Komodo X Female, Infected X Female, and Gorgon X Female.
New mob Icons: Bandito, Bandita, Gorgon, Lamia, Komodo, and Lacerta all have individual icons visible before / after encounters.

Mod Support for Mob Icons : Mob Icons are kept external to allow for player manipulation.

Encounter Change: Encounters have been split into “Ambushes” and “Encounters”. Encounters are the same as before and quite avoidable. Ambushes differ in that they are harder to escape from, Enemy team is all of the same faction(no fighting amongst themselves) and they also attack first for their team.

Content Filters: Players are able to disable “Futa”-“Insect”-“Monster”-“Tentacle”-“Robot” as encounterable enemy types. When disabled mobs with those tags won’t end up in combat. The “Monster” tag does not include the humanoid monster girls and monster guys.

Misc: Links button added to main menu.
Misc: New naming convention for versions.


Jul 31, 2017
A bit quiet since last time but, here's the Alpha 3 Update:
Download: https://CastleRock.itch.io/castlerock

And the ChangeLog Description

One of the main goals of Alpha 3 was to start implementing some of the "RPG" into this "Adult-RPG". Starting with stat selection into 5 core stats:

Brawn Allure Smarts Endurance Dexterity.

All other stats are derived from BASED, and the combat has received some balance overall. The party menu screens have seen some refine along with GUI improvements to the Combat Huds. Allotted space for resources have been added to the right panel.
Critical hits have been properly tuned to trigger on reaching "100", no longer waiting for the turn prior. A handful of minor actions like stripping now build additional crit. The system for lewd animations has been improved to allow a tiered system based on these critical values. Ultimately allowing climax animations to trigger properly.
Additional mod support has been included to allow loading custom icons, for the players character.
The player avatar system has seen some revising, primarily a separation between the body and clothing system, and actual body modification will be the focus of Alpha 4.

+BASED selection screen added to player create menu
+"Load" custom icon option added to Icon create menu.
+Hair color palletes selection has been increased to 32.
+Alternate faces available in avatar screen.
+Alternate body designs/tattoos available in avatar screen.
+General : New Enemy, Ekdromo, a mature tribal male, the other half to the already introduced Ekdroma.
+Control Hub: Resources GUI for biomass / scrap metal/ and power cells
+Control Hub: Map Size Increased
+Control Hub: Some mob spread control by n distance (not complete)
+Control Hub: New injured mob event. Human minded mobs can be intimated with a Brawn check
+Control Hub: Able to escape ambushes upon Dexterity check and enemy party size.
+Party Member Menu: Gui improvements.
+Party Member Menu: Able to repair armor away from home.
+Party Member Menu: Perk screen with unlocked perk list, and unlockable perks.
+Perks: Health Buff, Energy Buff, Blocking Buff, and Energy Regen Buff,
+Perks: Leadership perks have been added and need to be unlocked before aquiring party members.
+Combat: All Health/Energy/Crit meters have been increased in size for readability.
+Combat: New Enemy Combat Huds.
+Combat: Many Balance changes (WIP)
+Combat: Enemies realize when player is low on health / energy and attack styles change according. Will absolutely try to knock you down if your energy is low.
+Combat: Tiered animation loops. (Rudimentary system was already in place)
+Combat: Stripping and disrobing now build additional crit.
+Combat: disrobing now does minor health damage.
+Combat: Sprite direction facing has been fixed
+Lewd: 5 new female initiated oral animations with generic male (3), komodo(1), and gorgon (1).
+Lewd: 1 critical climax animation added to generic male initiated attacks.
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New Member
Dec 23, 2016
Wow, this is amazing so far. I love the interface, it reminds me of the fallout games, which I'm sure is what you were going for, but it doesn't feel clunky like they could. Your stat system is another charming nod, and it was fun to play with different builds. The sprites look great, I'm really impressed with the detail and level customization, and it's got a nice retro aesthetic, but the models don't feel too grainy or blurry like old games can, they look really polished.

The first thing I was curious about was the lack of male PC (sorry to beat a dead horse), I like playing as both, but I'm happy to hear they're planned in the future. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this project, I hope you pick up more attention and support!


Active Member
Oct 17, 2016
So i can't get this version to work. It just opens, creates a log and closes. The log says

Dec 02, 2017 3:46:03 PM JavaPreloader <init>
Dec 02, 2017 3:46:04 PM JavaPreloader runProtected
Dec 02, 2017 3:46:04 PM JavaPreloader main
Dec 02, 2017 3:46:06 PM JavaPreloader$Protected run

No matter how many times i try with or without admin priv.


Active Member
Jan 22, 2016
Question more so to the casual players in this game. Does running from combat work? Even with the escape buff perk, I've never successfully escaped combat ever. It always ended with my character getting gang raped by bandits that have ambushed me while I try to find injured enemies to punch out.

That is my only gripe with the game so far but it's becoming a doozy of a problem for me.


Jul 31, 2017
Question more so to the casual players in this game. Does running from combat work? Even with the escape buff perk, I've never successfully escaped combat ever. It always ended with my character getting gang raped by bandits that have ambushed me while I try to find injured enemies to punch out.

That is my only gripe with the game so far but it's becoming a doozy of a problem for me.

The farther you go from home, the more difficult it becomes. Ambush events are higher. Finding injured enemies is rarer. Concept wise, if you're already out numbered it's very hard to escape.You can start escaping immediately or defend and rest until the enemy becomes more tired. When their energy is lower, they do less damage, and will have to rest. Usually giving you the extra turn you need to escape.

So i can't get this version to work. It just opens, creates a log and closes. The log says
No matter how many times i try with or without admin priv.

Working on that issue at the moment, troubleshooting instructions here: https://castlerock.boards.net/thread/14/failure-launch-ctd


Active Member
Oct 17, 2016
Question more so to the casual players in this game. Does running from combat work? Even with the escape buff perk, I've never successfully escaped combat ever. It always ended with my character getting gang raped by bandits that have ambushed me while I try to find injured enemies to punch out.

That is my only gripe with the game so far but it's becoming a doozy of a problem for me.
I mean i can run in an older version, so it atleast used to work. Just tried it with V3 and i ran even though it took 3 attempts.


Jul 31, 2017
But then how do i load it up?
The load/continue button isn't in view only, "New Game" and "New Game +"

Ah I'm sorry, I misunderstood, New game + recreates the map but only keeps the player's outfit/xp/perks. I wasn't planning on expanding it to an actual load game until the player was able to build / influence the map. There isn't a set version number but for production order. A.) The finished avatar system, B.) Actual inventory system. C.) Home Base. Somewhere during B, but before C, I'd expect to have out a full load game option.

If I had to guess, you're asking for party member persistence?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
Underwater Holloween Town
Ah I'm sorry, I misunderstood, New game + recreates the map but only keeps the player's outfit/xp/perks. I wasn't planning on expanding it to an actual load game until the player was able to build / influence the map. There isn't a set version number but for production order. A.) The finished avatar system, B.) Actual inventory system. C.) Home Base. Somewhere during B, but before C, I'd expect to have out a full load game option.

If I had to guess, you're asking for party member persistence?
I see, so that's how it function, then i might as well question about the party members as well.


Jul 31, 2017
It shouldn't be to hard to include party members into the save data, I'll add it to the todo list for the next update, but map persistence won't be included for a while.