Jasvalla scenes attempt to reference cocks when no cocks are present on the character

Dick Nation

New Member
Feb 17, 2023
This seems to come up specifically when the character has no genitalia, but it doesn't seem to matter how they got there. I have played both a herm that had any endowments removed, as well as a female. When attempting to do so with a Jasvalla scene, it returns things such as:

"“Perhaps you think of yourself as like me?” she wonders aloud, eyes on your breasts and ERROR: NO WANGS DETECTED for cocksDescript(). “An alpha woman hunter, stalking the wilds, cock proudly swinging between her legs? A sweet fantasy, if so.” Her voice descends to a murmur as her hand closes around your ERROR: CockDescript Called But No Cock Present, gently pulling and teasing it as she speaks. “I am going to get rid of this, girl. It doesn’t befit a beta. It gives you the wrong sort of yearnings.”"

She also seems to not recognize that cocks were removed, in the case of playing a herm that subsequently does remove them.