Is this game worth it?


Sep 13, 2015
I really liked CoC, and the first part of TiTs. But after that I really disliked the track TiTs started going down. It had very few monsters, and was mainly just 'meet people in towns' I remember going into the cowgirl world and seeing 18 NPCs with no monsters. To me that just isn't interesting, I want battles. I think its great if you like what it is but its just not the same type of game as CoC was. 

So I am asking if it is worth it for me to get into fall of eden? I tried it before but got stuck and dropped it. I just wonder what peoples opinions are.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
First of FoE is about team fitght then solo here/heroine beating all enemies into pulp/submission. Ofc still it can be played with only MC but it req. slight more grinding. As for TiTS cow planet (and recently called as haing movst sexable male npc ingame too) is meant to be side planet with not fights just turtling around.

FoE got battles and even some interesting boss fights with new minions of boss keep pouring into battle field from time to time. So my opinion is that it's aslo good game and worth to try on especialy if you manage to not stuck at first few steps without any idea what to do next aside pointlesly wandering around 2-3 locations.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
First a disclaimer FoE is my favorite by some margin

FoE is not as big as TITS, however it is also not level capped, so if you want a combat challenge you can go up against the Dragon

You will need mucho grinding in preparation for that battle

Remember that in FoE an opponent doesn't just give up cos you've made them cum in their pants and you have to go looking for a fight [click search]

The only place I have noticed people getting stuck is just at the beginning before the plot starts to sweep you along this thread should help

So ask me if it's worth it and I'll say Yes


Sep 13, 2015
Thanks guys. I got the impression that it was really good, and yea that's where I got stuck before. ill definitely play it!

And... if Alder comes back... then I will sub to the patreon with a 10$ pledge. Please come back alder I read about you leaving and was sad

I had forgotten how amazing the opening was.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Thanks guys. I got the impression that it was really good, and yea that's where I got stuck before. ill definitely play it!

And... if Alder comes back... then I will sub to the patreon with a 10$ pledge. Please come back alder I read about you leaving and was sad

I had forgotten how amazing the opening was.

That's the thing, his patreon charges are based on a 'per creation' basis while the hiatus is in effect, so you can put that as the pledge amount and not pay a cent until something is actually made, thus allowing you to do exactly what you say without worry.

Fyi, this game is definitely worth it.