Is there a list of flags somewhere?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2017
Atlantic side of the USA
Exactly what is says on the tin. I'm looking for either the list of flags currently in-use or a decent resource which includes most of them. I'd just use the wiki, but it's never quite up-to-date, and poking around in the source code hasn't brought much success - maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing? Tryna become acquainted with the language 'n structure of the code by writing up an example TF to learn by, and I need some help finding all the stuff I'd need to reference, which means I need to know what variations on, say, skin type there are. I am deep into the Parser Reference (which lists the things which flags and such can be applied to, but not what all of those flags would actually be) and sorta exploring the source code, so I'm looking for more specific pointers than "read 'how not to make Gedan hate you' again."

I'll share the TF when finished, though it won't be very exciting as it's primarily a learning exercise, and I don't expect to submit it for the actual game. I have other ideas for submissions in the works, but I'd like to get more familiar with the code (and the scope of variations on character traits) before putting too much into those.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nope, TiTS uses a dictionary, so flags are tied to the save file. Impossible to get you a list. Even extracting it from a save (which you can probably do) would give you less than a quarter.

EDIT: Body flags are another story, my bad.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2017
Atlantic side of the USA
Is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a million, Lash!
Nope, TiTS uses a dictionary
You mean dictionary in the programming sense? (I don't actually know much about programming yet, so I'm not sure what this actually entails) Thanks for tryna help, I did specifically mean body flags, not scene tags or temporary condition flags. Sorry I wasn't clearer about that in the OP ^^;