Is Save Editing still possible?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Note: I use save editing supremely sparingly. Usually, the only reason that I do so is to change a single string or integer on the PC, and even then I would far rather use in-game effects to achieve the same result. However, for my current game there is one particular result that I want that there is no way to achieve in-game, even though it seems like it should be possible.

I got Vanae skin color (pale gold) and markings (glowing gold), then used Throbb to get a cock. Unfortunately, for some reason Throbb doesn't check skin color, which results in my PC getting a pink human cock. This creates a rather disjointed situation. Rainbowtox looks like it could give me gold skin, at the cost of the Vanae markings (which admittedly could be reacquired fairly easily), but I don't think I could get my PC's penis to actually match her skin without save editing.

I've tried using .minerva to fix this - it should only take one edit of a single string - but for some reason the game is not recognizing the edited save. It knows that there's a save there (it warns you before you save over it) but it doesn't show anything in that slot when you try to load. There isn't even anything to click.

1. Save the game to be edited in a dedicated slot. In my case, that's Save Slot 3, noted as "Edit". Close the game.
2. Open up .minerva
3. Open TiTs_3.sol from the #localWithNet folder
4. Find the string to be changed (characters -> PC -> cocks -> 0 -> cockColor)
5. Not touching anything else, select the string and enter the new string (pink -> pale gold)
6. Once again, not touching anything else, pressing the Save button at the top of the page.
7. Replace the original TiTs_3.sol with the new, downloaded TiTs_3.sol
8. Open the game and look for the save on the Load page

Based on several things people have mentioned in the forums, .minerva seems to still work. What am I doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
As far as I know, .minerva continues to work with TiTS, but I have not used it enough to help you troubleshoot your problem there. What I will do is point you in this direction, for a more reliable, if somewhat limited, editing software.

Edit: Curses! Ninja'd again!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
That's certainly a quite powerful tool, and I've downloaded it for future use. I am still curious as to what I was doing wrong with .minerva, since people occasionally still recommend it (including within the thread for TiTsEd).

Somewhat oddly, in the process of explaining what went wrong, I also decided it would be interesting to try the Rainbowtox method, so I now actually have two methods of achieving my goal. Thanks to Aullama and Lancer for their prompt replies, though!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Just use TiTSEd, it's much easier and takes all of the guesswork out of editing. Someone else already linked it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's been a bit since I tried save editing, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

It sounds like you're doing everything right. Are you using the online version of .minerva, or the older offline version? I've heard before that the online version is more unstable, but can do some things that the offline version can't. Given that you're only editing one small item, you might want to use the offline version.

Of course, if you already are then my advice is redundant. Either way, it sounds like your file is getting corrupted when you edit it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Yeah, I was using the online version. I was wondering if others were having this problem, since two or three releases ago I had no problems with it. It sounds like I've just got something odd going on. I was able to use TiTsEd, which has been suggested several times now, with no problems. At this point, this thread is more for informing anyone else who might be having similar problems. I'd still be interested to know what might be going wrong, but my interest is now almost entirely academic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I haven't touched it in a while, but whenever I need to use .minerva I use FireFox as Chrome has stack limits. Otherwise, with the addition of flags, TiTSEd is close to everything .minerva was truly useful for. All that's missing is temporary/modifier values on stats/body parts.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There used to be a "Global Values" page on the wiki whish eliminated the need for guesswork while using .minerva....