Is it possible to save a local copy of the Javascript version of TiTS?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Yeah you can you just have to press "Save to File" instead of "Save" on the save screen.
It will give you a .json file in which you can just save and store anywhere.

I use it alot to save certain events that can't be repeated.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2019
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I don't meant saving a save file locally, I mean saving the entire game locally.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Oh, currently they isn't a way to officially download the game but it's in the works.
Here's a quote from the most recent update:
I think for the upcoming week I’m gonna spend a little time cleaning up old code and interfaces relating to various inventory handling systems, and then set into finally working on an offline downloadable build. Now that we’ve had a couple consistent weeks of not needing to crank out a bunch of hotfixes, I think we’re stable enough now to call it a good idea!
Other than that they seems to be a thread currently sharing a downloadable version.
It seems that thread's most recent update is #2104 when the actual game is in #2132