Is it just me..


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
Or does anyone else think the game part of TiTS is just as important to their enjoyment of it as the porn?

I know a lot of people don't really care about that sort of thing for a game like this but I enjoy a challenge and one of the reasons I like fenco games so much is that unlike most porn games they actually put effort into the game aspect of it rather just halfassing it as a framework for smut.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Eh, I'm not really that impressed with tits as a game. Still feel like the whole class system isn't as good as it could be.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Just as important? No, not really. I do however enjoy the non-sexual aspects of the game as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
There is a point where a erotic "game" becomes nothing more than a series of images or scenes and the only real choices are to continue to the next one. Then there are games where there is such little erotic content between gameplay that it just becomes frustrating or just plain stupid like those rape-loss-game-over games.

TiTs more or less strikes an okay balance between gameplay and smut. (People forget there is an easy mode, so instead of complaining about grinding levels just turn it on and go back to your fapping). Given the amount of world-building Fen&Co (TM) have done for this game it would be a shame if you couldn't walk around doing stuff, exploring on your own and getting a feel for the universe they worked so hard to create.

I love how you can come back from hunting in the wilds of Uveto, head down to the Freezer for a drink and run into Anno and go back to your ship with her and her hookup for a three-way. Then you wake up, take a shower, have Celise relive you of all the breast milk you've surely built up overnight and then get a meal from Yammi before heading out to do something else.

But then again, I'm the guy with over 3k+ hours on Fallout4 so my opinion on this might be warped.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
I'm into TiTS mostly for the smut and the stories. As long as the gameplay aspect of TiTS doesn't decrease my enjoyment of that, I don't really care one way or the other.

Although I did prefer the way CoC handled character progression.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
I'm somewhere between Kesil and Xeivous. I feel the class and combat system could be better but I enjoy the game, combat and story regardless. And lets not forget the smut.
I'm kinda here too however the important thing is that they are working on it and the game is far from done.
I'm into TiTS mostly for the smut and the stories. As long as the gameplay aspect of TiTS doesn't decrease my enjoyment of that, I don't really care one way or the other.

Although I did prefer the wayn CoC handled character progression.

I was considering "story" as part of the "game" part as well because it's really vital to any rpg.

I did really like how freeform CoC's progression was a lot and would really like to see more options for customization of abilities in TiTS though.


Active Member
May 20, 2017
while as far as i read most people think the sexual content in tits is just as important as the non sexual content and some people think that the sexual content is more important, I at least am solely playing the fengames for the gameplay since i just want to play a great rpg. Doesnt mean i reject the smut content though since i really do enjoy some scenes and besides that i think the customization stuff is really diverse and fun but honestly? While I do have some kinks Im not much of a furry (actually im none at all) and Im not much into a lot of the kinks the fengames offer. Especially futa, herm (or dickgirls in general), trans, trap (or cuntmales), fur, female amazons/buff females. So while theres lots of kinks Im not really fond of, I still think the fengames are amazing and unique rpgs. So basically what I wanted to say: I actually play fengames because of the gameplay.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2017
Gameplay is alright, nothing outstanding but fairly decent. Worldbuilding is amazing though, feels like one of those times when you come in for smut and stay for the world/characters/story/not smut.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
For clarity this was more about TiTS putting effort into the non porn aspects of the game being one of it's stand out features and what makes it better than most porn games, not saying that those aspects are perfect and don't need improving.

The opposite actually, because they are important they do need to be worked on more and unfortunately seem to be the most neglected part of the game in the community at times.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Honestly, the plot is the reason I'm so into TiTS. Yes, it has content that satisfies my TF (and TF-associated) kinks, but if there wasn't a good story with compelling characters, I would immediately lose interest as soon as I've satisfied my kink needs. I get bored with porn-without-plot easily and I'm not always interested in porn tbh, which is why I TiTS and CoC appealed to me a lot, but especially TiTS. There's enough content for me to enjoy even when I'm not in the "mood" if that makes sense.

I actually look forward to any story and character expansions, which isn't something I expected to happen with a nsfw game, lol.