IRC guide copypasta from old forum


Active Member
Nov 27, 2015
Hi everyone, apologies if a guide to connecting to the IRC was posted already (if it is I can't seem to find it), but a very recent thread by symbolNamed had a guide on how to access the old forums, and I went in to copypaste the IRC guide. Enjoy!

Something something I hate you, whatever.

After writing the original IRC guide and helping literally over nine thousand people figure out how to into IRC, I figured I'd make it EVEN MORE IDIOT PROOF.
If you'd like the original, witty, profanity-laden guide that will teach you to do this by hand, click here.

[SIZE=25pt]Click Me, Faggots.[/SIZE]


There are two detections because botnets will frequently bundle an IRC client inside in order to communicate. This does not mean the actual client is a virus. If you download Hexchat from the developer and run it through, it'll be flagged as well.

Feel free to run a new scan if you'd like. This is just a portable installation of hexchat with most things configured.

If you receive an error message regarding DLL's, you've never installed the Microsoft Virtual C++ Redistributable Library and apparently have never played a video game on a computer ever.

Step 1: Download, extract, hit the fun little Hexchat button, and you're already in IRC.

Step 2: Change your nickname you godawful newbies. Click the Hexchat button and open the Network List. Enter your preferred nickname, your two alternates(in case the first is already being used), and your username(can be the same as nickname).

You can also change your nickname with the /nick NAME command. This will be temporary, however. The one you set will be the name you have upon connecting from now on.

You can talk to somebody in private by using /query THEIRNAMEHERE
This will open a private channel between the two of you.

When using somebody's name, you can type the first few letters and use the tab button to autocomplete their name. So instead of typing out Fenoxo, you can type Fe TAB and it'll finish for you. Very useful when some people have complicated or lengthy names with character substitutions.

For registering your nickname and automatically identifying, I'll just grab my original explanation.

Soos's original amazing explanation Wrote:Next step, we'll be registering our nickname. Assuming your nickname isn't taken already, you'll be sending a message to NickServ. NickServ is the Nickname authenticator and will allow you to say "Hey guys, it really is me!"

Having a registered nick keeps people from impersonating you, allows you to be assigned privileges such as Op/Half-Op/Voice etc. It's important, so just register and be done with it. The command to register your nickname on Rizon

is /msg NickServ Register Password EMAIL

This will register the nickname you are currently using, and an email will be sent to your email with a confirmation code. You can only have one nickname registered per email, so keep that in mind.

For more info, use /NickServ HELP.

Now, we'll set up automatic identification. Without it, every time you connect you'd have to use /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. This will do it for you.

Now click Hexchat in the main menu and go to Network List. Rizon should still be selected as your only favorite, so click edit. This will show you favorite channels(protip: add #FenChat), and your NickServ password. Enter your password and ta-da!

It used to be a lot more complicated, but now it's piss-easy. You're welcome.

One thing has changed since I wrote the above. For the dropdown that says login method, change it to NickServ /MSG NICKSERV IDENTIFY PASSWORD

For a few useful commands:

/*me(without the star, forum fucks format)will create a message using your username. e.g. SoS slides his foot up Adjatha's lace-covered thigh.(why wont u love me, gib more nun werdz)
/ns ghost <nick> <password> will kill your username if someone else is using it or it doesn't disconnect automatically.

Ranks in IRC

There are ranks in IRC, and it would be prudent to know them.
Administrator/Owner: This person will have a ~. He(Fenoxo) is Channel god.
Op: @ symbol. Essentially a moderator. Can make other Ops, ban/kick/mute/etc.
Half-Op/Hop: % sign One step down from Op, can kick/ban/etc., but doesn't have quite as many powers as Ops.
Voice: + sign. It means Soos likes you :3. In all seriousness, it means you can speak when the channel is muted(very rare), or that you can use colored text(pls no).

At this point, the only thing to do is play around with it. Change the background/fonts, join other servers/channels, chat it up with people, etc. Have fun.