[IMPLEMENTED]Two Sheath and Foreskin TF items


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well a post below inspired me to give it a good look again and redesign this project to allow for cocks to grow and lose sheaths, instead of just foreskins. These items also include negligible decreases and increases in length and thickness for those that want to get rid of those pesky 0.2 inches of extra length on your cock. It also includes some necessary (and some not so necessary) appearance suggestions for cocks.

Here is the doc. Leave comments if you find anything wrong with it.

I've talked with Altair and these should go on the Musk and Muscle shop. In my opinion it should cost 500 or 2000 credits
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
...Does having a sheath count to having a foreskin? 'Cos isn't it an analogue to it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
...Does having a sheath count to having a foreskin? 'Cos isn't it an analogue to it?

Well a sheath is a type of foreskin, but the human foreskin is not a sheath. Prepuce vs Preputial sheath.

In terms of the game, from what I understand of it, the Foreskinned flag is different from the Sheath flag so the answer there should be no.

If you want images of how a sheath+foreskin cock would look like, there's this three images I found:

EDIT: Is there a reason why you asked this question? Do you want me to add a Sheath giving/losing to this project?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
EDIT: Is there a reason why you asked this question? Do you want me to add a Sheath giving/losing to this project?

Not really, I was just curious....            ....although...      nah, it's your project.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not really, I was just curious....            ....although...      nah, it's your project.

If you're suggesting I should add a sheath adding properties to these two items, I can totally adjust the project to it. It feels like it's a bit prejudiced against sheathed races anyway and it would increase the range of fetishes these items hold and make them more interesting.

It wouldn't be very hard to write two more scenes, although they likely wouldn't be as detailed as the foreskin ones, and likely won't have masturbation. I would likely have to throw a few more suggestions for dick flavour section. The bigger problem would be figuring out when would each of them trigger.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If you're suggesting I should add a sheath adding properties to these two items, I can totally adjust the project to it. It feels like it's a bit prejudiced against sheathed races anyway and it would increase the range of fetishes these items hold and make them more interesting.

It wouldn't be very hard to write two more scenes, although they likely wouldn't be as detailed as the foreskin ones, and likely won't have masturbation. I would likely have to throw a few more suggestions for dick flavour section. The bigger problem would be figuring out when would each of them trigger.

Well, you're the one that suggested adding something for sheaths to the items; I was just asking whether they already interacted with sheaths as is. But if it isn't much of a problem, it would make the items a bit more interesting. 

So yeah! Go for it!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
If you're suggesting I should add a sheath adding properties to these two items, I can totally adjust the project to it. It feels like it's a bit prejudiced against sheathed races anyway and it would increase the range of fetishes these items hold and make them more interesting.

It wouldn't be very hard to write two more scenes, although they likely wouldn't be as detailed as the foreskin ones, and likely won't have masturbation. I would likely have to throw a few more suggestions for dick flavour section. The bigger problem would be figuring out when would each of them trigger.

You could also go for adding other tags like double headed for those who don't want to use the Gabilani TF, though that's all up to you if you want (And don't want to make it too complicated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, you're the one that suggested adding something for sheaths to the items; I was just asking whether they already interacted with sheaths as is. But if it isn't much of a problem, it would make the items a bit more interesting. 

So yeah! Go for it!

Still need to write the 300 words losing a sheath scene and then I need to wait a few days to edit.

You could also go for adding other tags like double headed for those who don't want to use the Gabilani TF, though that's all up to you if you want (And don't want to make it too complicated.

Yeah, that doesn't work for these set of items. A sheath does, double-decking cockheads doesn't. And I don't feel like writing a new item either. Sorry.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It was just a suggestion, no worries!

No problem, we throw suggestions, sometimes it sticks, sometimes it doesn't.

Anyway I finished the TFs for this. Now I just need to get some people to give it a look, and give it a look myself in a few days.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just so you guys know I've heavily reviewed this, coded it, tested it and made a pull request out of it.

It however ended up becoming shorter than it originally was and ended up cutting some stuff, like scaled foreskins(which I figured out it was best to leave it to the player's imagination).

I hope it gets in and thanks to Jacques for helping me code this and others that helped me edit it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The name for the item "Welcome To The Hood" got rejected. Anyone got any better names for an item that gives foreskin?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Turtle's Neck, maybe? Or just Turtle-Neck? Or Snapper-on?

Those are good ideas, although I don't understand the last one. I only had terrible ones. I'll look for more ideas and opinions before settling on one.

If I go with your idea, I will have to change the theme of the jar from gangster into geek. Shouldn't be too hard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Those are good ideas, although I don't understand the last one. I only had terrible ones. I'll look for more ideas and opinions before settling on one.

If I go with your idea, I will have to change the theme of the jar from gangster into geek. Shouldn't be too hard.

I went looking for slang words for "foreskin" and apparently "snapper" is one so....    "Snapper-On"


Return of the drapes? CapGrow ?

There's surprisingly not many synonyms for foreskin.

Too bad synthSheath is already taken.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Cockblocker seems like bad marketing... Heh advertisers would probably want to avoid implying their product is gonna cockblock your attempts to get laid.

 Hmm since it's applied as a cream other potential names names could be

Curtain Cream

Cap Cream

Fore Salve

Sheath Salve

Fore Chrism

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You're right, it should be for contraceptive, lol.

Or a chastity belt.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Return of the drapes? CapGrow ?

There's surprisingly not many synonyms for foreskin.

Return of the Drapes would run into the same problem as Welcome to the Hood I think.

Capgrow wouldn't work since it's not actually growing a cap. Through it would be a goodname for a item that doubles the cockhead.

Dong Draper

Cock Cloak

Force Skin

Super Sheath

Wang Wrap

These sound good, but not really better. Super sheath and force skin wouldn't work because it only refers to one of the tfs.


Yeah, no.

Cockblocker seems like bad marketing... Heh advertisers would probably want to avoid implying their product is gonna cockblock your attempts to get laid.

 Hmm since it's applied as a cream other potential names names could be

Curtain Cream

Cap Cream

Fore Salve

Sheath Salve

Fore Chrism

Well I want the name of the product to avoid using Cream.

The other item name was "Circumscriber" and had a scribe theme. "Welcome to the Hood" had a gangster theme, which is why I'm kinda favouring Turtleneck right now. I could change the gangster to a nerd theme or a spy theme in reference to Archer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As an alternative to the Synth Sheath suggestion I could also go with Synth Sleeve.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Okay. Since there doesnt seem to be any further suggestions i think im going with TurtleNeck and replace the gangster theme with a spy theme. Unless anyone objects or has a better name?

I really want to finish this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I liked synth sleeve but if you like turtleneck and have plans for it then go for it. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I liked synth sleeve but if you like turtleneck and have plans for it then go for it. 

It's not so much as I like Turtleneck, it's more that I can put a theme innit. That said, I could remove the theme for Circumscriber, so the adding one doesn't require but it wouldn't be as fun.

Tomorrow I'll probably push it with the Turtleneck name and leave a comment with a list of possible suggestions that were dropped here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Finished this again and resubmitted with a pull request.

Went with Turtleneck with T.Neck as the shortname and gave the item label a spy theme.

In case this name is also rejected I posted almost all of these names in a comment there so fenoxo could give me some feedback.
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