ideas for the sexy android


Nov 1, 2015
i was particularly impressed with the story line between the hero and the sex bot but I am hopeing that there will be more - like the android will want to seek out its fellow units to either to put them out of their misery or give them a new purpose - or how about the idea about the hero marrying the android and the good or the bad that come before it or after - or what about the idea of the hero finding ways of changing the androids skin from pigmentation to having fur installed and one more idea how about having an organic child between the hero and the android and I just love the romance between the android and the hero so I hope that there is more to play and I hope it happens.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
i was particularly impressed with the story line between the hero and the sex bot but I am hopeing that there will be more - like the android will want to seek out its fellow units to either to put them out of their misery or give them a new purpose - or how about the idea about the hero marrying the android and the good or the bad that come before it or after - or what about the idea of the hero finding ways of changing the androids skin from pigmentation to having fur installed and one more idea how about having an organic child between the hero and the android and I just love the romance between the android and the hero so I hope that there is more to play and I hope it happens.

Gonna assume you mean Bess and laugh at the thought that ANYONE wants to write anything for her.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
OP, assuming that you meant Bess/Ben, I can only offer you my sincerest condolences, since her author has left the smut scene for good, and the chaotic mess of variables, character arc and drama that is our Ideal Robo Waifu/Husbando will most likely discourage any other writer from ever touching that project.

Let's grief, my friend. They could have been even more beautiful. The baby-making was actually a part of a planned expansion. :(

But let's also be thankful for what we've already been given.


Aug 26, 2015
So Bess/Ben is dead then? :( Aw man...

Yes.  Nobody will write more for it, if they did Gedan would refuse to code it.  It's done.  You got your incredibly complex and layered crewmate who could be anything you wanted, this is the consequence.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Yes.  Nobody will write more for it, if they did Gedan would refuse to code it.  It's done.  You got your incredibly complex and layered crewmate who could be anything you wanted, this is the consequence.

Today is certainly proving a ball buster, crappy day. Getting smacked for 10 warning points because i didn't know capitalization was a rule, and now finding out Bess/Ben is dropped... :( I'm almost afraid to ask if Gianna is okay, because I've been loving these synthetics so far. I'm also am curious if Bess/Ben will get deleted because of this, I hope not. I'd rather have what we got then nothing at all.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015

Coding standalone scenes is easier than writing.
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Aug 26, 2015
Today is certainly proving a ball buster, crappy day. Getting smacked for 10 warning points because i didn't know capitalization was a rule, and now finding out Bess/Ben is dropped... :( I'm almost afraid to ask if Gianna is okay, because I've been loving these synthetics so far. I'm also am curious if Bess/Ben will get deleted because of this, I hope not. I'd rather have what we got then nothing at all.

Nobody's deleting anything except that one time with the Steph Irson thing.  Bess's content will stay exactly the way it is now.  Emphasis on exactly.  No story expansions, no interactions that aren't already in there and accessible right now, no more customization options, no pregnancy xpacks.  What you see now is all you will ever get.  Be happy with it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Nobody's deleting anything except that one time with the Steph Irson thing.  Bess's content will stay exactly the way it is now.  Emphasis on exactly.  No story expansions, no interactions that aren't already in there and accessible right now, no more customization options, no pregnancy xpacks.  What you see now is all you will ever get.  Be happy with it.

That is a relief to hear.


Aug 26, 2015
Apologies if I sound harsh, but we get questions like this all the time, about if waifu X or NPC Y is going to get more content.  Some of us try to be gentle, but the answer is almost always "no".  It's just how it is.  Very few writers have the time to write a lot of content for one character, the skill to get that content added to the game on a regular basis, and don't flake out, ragequit because of drama, or have other real-life things that get in the way of writing internet smut after a few years, at which point they inevitably disappear and never write for the game again.  And once a writer is gone, that's it, their characters are as they are.  Somebody could keep writing for that character, but in practice nobody will.  Even if someone say they will, odds are they'll give up partway through, because writing for a character who isn't yours is much harder than writing for one who is.

On top of that: look, if you ask me, Bess was a mistake.  It is the confluence of JimT's best writing with his worst idea.  The awful part of any given writer's job is almost never the NPCs involved in the scene, because the NPCs have defined shapes, personalities, and preferences.  The awful part is the formless blob of possibility that is Captain Steele, and how some people want every little thing about their particular snowflake to be given representation when the fact of the matter is we can't do it.  It's not happening, and all the branching and parser calls required to write a sex scene that Captain Steele is involved in is easily the part that most takes the writer out of the scene.  Bess takes all that frustration and squares it, because now you have two formless blobs of possibility and you have to write parts of the scene where one formless cipher interacts with another formless cipher and somehow all of this has to produce net output that someone can masturbate to.  It can be done, as evidenced by how JimT did it, but he never thought about if it should be done.


Aug 27, 2015

I don't like castigating JimT for Bess because she was his first project, he decided he would write the perfect waifu and he approached it naively, taking on every suggestion as it came (Ben ffs). That's what 95% of all new writers who come here do - the difference is that Jim COULD and DID.

People shouldn't be sad that she won't be added to - they should be amazed and pleased that Bess was, unlike Ember, coded in her entirety. She's not at all bad character as she is in-game, but aside from no-one ever adding to her, she will never be referred to or interacted with by any other NPC or event. Which is very sad.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm almost afraid to ask if Gianna is okay

Gianna is fine. At the rate Fen and I are spiraling into a dark abyss of endless shit that needs our focus I don't know if we're ever going to get around to writing more for her, but unlike Bess there's no herculean obstacles in the way, and we'd like to given the chance.


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
depends really on how sane our resident dragon mistress is, after coding bess/ben I believe Gedan had a mental meltdown and went insane for a time.

Yes.  Nobody will write more for it, if they did Gedan would refuse to code it.  It's done.  You got your incredibly complex and layered crewmate who could be anything you wanted, this is the consequence.

Taking off my sarcasm hat for a moment...

I liked the idea of Bess- the problem was how much got put together before anybody had a proper chance to look through it and give any sensible technical feedback about what had been written. I'm all for massively involved characters, providing that they are well structured and thought out, such that their documents explain their content (and how it all interacts) in a concise manner and that they've been approached with the idea of "a bit at a time" in mind.

Bess was literally 4 documents that pretty much had to happen all at once- it wasn't Jims intention for that to happen, but splitting the 4 documents into 4 separate rounds of Bess additions over time would have easily doubled the work because each document in turn had me going back to rework bits and pieces that I'd already coded- with that work fresh-in-mind, it goes a lot easier. So, the options were to throw, what, 4-6 weeks into the well of coding Bess, or throw 2-3 weeks at it in 4 sessions, each of which makes it look like I'd done nothing because I would have left the character disabled until all 4 were in.

I don't want to make this sound like a poke at Jim; it isn't at all. If I didn't think it worth the effort expended for the character, I wouldn't have done it which should give some measure of clarity... but by the end of coding it, I'd burned myself out hard and it's been a fucking struggle to keep pace with what I know I can do until a few weeks ago.

At some fucking point I'll be able to justify actually writing what I want to see going on for (a) "large" character(s). What I have in mind could easily outstrip Bess in terms of complexity and scale, but I fully intend to approach it as a series of steps rather than one giant fuckyouuuuu pile of documents.

As it is, I stuck it out with Bess so I could hold it up as an example of something I absolutely, positively will not code if somebody tries that again. I did it because Jim couldn't really have known how much of a problem he was creating, and it's not his fault- not really for the size and number of documents, or the effective capitulation to adding more and more requested stuff.

Bess is an example of a good, well written idea, that was badly organised both in terms of what the content did (ie everything-including-the-kitchen-sink) and expansionism (ie there were no good natural breaking points between the 4 documents where existing logic would have to be heavily modified to support the next). 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Gianna is fine. At the rate Fen and I are spiraling into a dark abyss of endless shit that needs our focus I don't know if we're ever going to get around to writing more for her, but unlike Bess there's no herculean obstacles in the way, and we'd like to given the chance.

Nice, thanks!

Taking off my sarcasm hat for a moment...

I liked the idea of Bess- the problem was how much got put together before anybody had a proper chance to look through it and give any sensible technical feedback about what had been written. I'm all for massively involved characters, providing that they are well structured and thought out, such that their documents explain their content (and how it all interacts) in a concise manner and that they've been approached with the idea of "a bit at a time" in mind.

Bess was literally 4 documents that pretty much had to happen all at once- it wasn't Jims intention for that to happen, but splitting the 4 documents into 4 separate rounds of Bess additions over time would have easily doubled the work because each document in turn had me going back to rework bits and pieces that I'd already coded- with that work fresh-in-mind, it goes a lot easier. So, the options were to throw, what, 4-6 weeks into the well of coding Bess, or throw 2-3 weeks at it in 4 sessions, each of which makes it look like I'd done nothing because I would have left the character disabled until all 4 were in.

I don't want to make this sound like a poke at Jim; it isn't at all. If I didn't think it worth the effort expended for the character, I wouldn't have done it which should give some measure of clarity... but by the end of coding it, I'd burned myself out hard and it's been a fucking struggle to keep pace with what I know I can do until a few weeks ago.

At some fucking point I'll be able to justify actually writing what I want to see going on for (a) "large" character(s). What I have in mind could easily outstrip Bess in terms of complexity and scale, but I fully intend to approach it as a series of steps rather than one giant fuckyouuuuu pile of documents.

As it is, I stuck it out with Bess so I could hold it up as an example of something I absolutely, positively will not code if somebody tries that again. I did it because Jim couldn't really have known how much of a problem he was creating, and it's not his fault- not really for the size and number of documents, or the effective capitulation to adding more and more requested stuff.

Bess is an example of a good, well written idea, that was badly organised both in terms of what the content did (ie everything-including-the-kitchen-sink) and expansionism (ie there were no good natural breaking points between the 4 documents where existing logic would have to be heavily modified to support the next). 

The hope, it rises...! Also something bigger then Bess? That has me curious. O -o


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Something bigger than Bess? This intrigues me but also raises some minor concern over whether Geddy genuinely did lose her sanity... Lol. If the code dragon puts her mind to it I'm sure it will turn out spectacularly though. And while Bess is an example of what not to do, (Although I still love her very much.) this next character could serve as a guideline for other authors regarding the proper way to go about approaching such a large undertaking.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
i was particularly impressed with the story line between the hero and the sex bot but I am hopeing that there will be more - like the android will want to seek out its fellow units to either to put them out of their misery or give them a new purpose - or how about the idea about the hero marrying the android and the good or the bad that come before it or after - or what about the idea of the hero finding ways of changing the androids skin from pigmentation to having fur installed and one more idea how about having an organic child between the hero and the android and I just love the romance between the android and the hero so I hope that there is more to play and I hope it happens.

I love Bess! (specially how I have her on my current player) I'd love for Bes/Ben to get an add on/upgrade to be able to create cyborg babies. I may write a story about that just for fun.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
Procreation upgrades were planned by JimThermic. They did not make the cut for a reason. Bess is just too complex, and reached critical mass well before meeting the initial design scope of the project. It's very doubtful Bess will be expanded on in any way.

I did not know that, but giving the content we do have it's not surprising that it was planned. While I would love to see it added, I accept that there are other things that are a higher priority than being able to breed the robot.
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