Idea for the second ownable ship


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
So I've been farming Tarkus for a while now to get the most out of the whole scrap selling business and I stumbled upon the equine phallus thing, needless to say what it did was a pleasant surprise on its own but when I first found the buried ship in the location description I didn't think much of it until I wondered whether or not I'll be able to upgrade my ship in the future. So I thought that maybe you could phone Vahn at Tavros and get him to check out the half buried ship and see if it can be brought back to life somehow, obviously in its current state it's never going to fly again but then again he is one of SteeleTech's best technicians and he is very much into vehicle restoration. Could be called the "Vahn C-Pants" as I can't think of a proper name and I'm sorry for that, If I did try and give it a name I can be proud of I would've sat here for hours in front of my screen and what would be the proud of that.

From the amount of tiles that is taken up by the old ship and the fact that is stated that it's half buried I'd say that the ship takes up about two tiles worth of space or two rooms I should rather say, The first room can be kept relatively the same as the Casstech Z-14, I can't really decide on what the secondary room should be so I guess it can be one of three things. The first being a training room that you can use to spar with your crew members and probably fuck them afterwards, the second being a "secure" storage room that gives you more spots to store your stuff and stops any bad items from interacting with you or your crew members while sleeping or in transit(I'm looking at you strange egg that I wish I never picked and never sold to that poor monk who is going to receive the butt rape of his life). The third and probably my favorite is for it to be the main quarters room which not really a room but more like a tunnel with doors that lead to the various rooms for your crew and of course your private quarters, this one is probably the most necessary as most scenes you read through don't really make a lot of sense as they are written like your crew have their own rooms that you go into along with a few others that make mention of your own quarters but then you get this line in the interior ship description "Three bunks are scattered around the cramped interior, providing barely adequate room for you and your crew.".

I know it isn't that important but I kinda have to re imagine the interior of the ship when I go through some of the scenes, basically changing the rustic bunk bed interior into something with actual separate rooms doesn't quite fit with how I imagine most people first pictured the interior of the ship.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1) Of all the things Fenco could want help with, dreaming up and designing the fun stuff isn't one of them. And I doubt you plan on writing and coding this idea yourself...

2) Pretty sure the game mentions that all the ships that crashed on Tarkus are seriously messed up. Reading it makes it sound like they're all huge as well. The broken ship used as the town hub on Tarkus was described as being a back-broken wreck (after the myriad of repairs over time), and that it was still in far better shape than the other crashed ships.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
1) Of all the things Fenco could want help with, dreaming up and designing the fun stuff isn't one of them. And I doubt you plan on writing and coding this idea yourself...

2) Pretty sure the game mentions that all the ships that crashed on Tarkus are seriously messed up. Reading it makes it sound like they're all huge as well. The broken ship used as the town hub on Tarkus was described as being a back-broken wreck (after the myriad of repairs over time), and that it was still in far better shape than the other crashed ships.

Yeah I don't think that I have the skills to code it, write maybe but definitely not code. The ship that I mentioned has so far as I've seen only two major issues with one being it is majorly rusted and the other that it looks to be half buried, but the game also states of the game character wondering if the exposed part is only the tip of a massive ship which could be a gateway to the makings of an extra dungeon on Tarkus but that is not for me to decide. Either that or it is actually "half" buried which means the ship is not only small but also the other half has been relatively protected from the elements by the sand it has been buried in which means that part could at least be retrofitted onto your ship as some sort of expansion, that or maybe be the start of some sort of "build your ship" side project where you scout the wastes for working ship pieces and slap them on to your ship when you get back to Tavros. I'm just spit balling of course, it's not like any of this has any likelihood of actually getting in game.

I guess the real pet peeve of mine in this situation is that the scenes don't play along with the interiors of your ship at the moment, I'll just have to keep squishing rooms into the fragile hull of the Z-14 until the captain can finally move away from or upgrade the rustbucket your father left you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The Casstech is a case of gameplay and story segregation.

The ship is basically the Lonestar camper from Spaceballs- it doesn't have room for any of this stuff, and certainly not enough for all the current waifus. But ships and ship mechanics are not yet implemented, so until then, our camper is a Tardis of infinite interior space. It isn't meant to convince anyone- it's a pure hand-wave.

Ships will come, and your peeve will be remedied, in time. There's no way to make it be better, faster. It's a WIP after all.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Procrastifen is busy playing Overwatch.

i kid pls


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But you know @MESeele Longstar camper was quite spacious ^^

Damn finding on Tarkus already not functional Longstar camper os some ship that looks like this would be nice hat tipping toward spaceballs xD


Jul 11, 2016
Damn finding on Tarkus already not functional Longstar camper os some ship that looks like this would be nice hat tipping toward spaceballs xD

Someone needs to remake the John Candy-Lonestar intro, just replace Barf with Anno and Lonestar with Steele.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sure, but not spacious enough for Celise, Reaha, Anno, Bess, Yammi, and you to have their own separate beds, let alone their own private quarters.

@Ormael Admit it, you just want to pilot a giant robo-maid.
@HugsAlright dammit I'll never be able to get that image out of my head. Admittedly, that image is very cute.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@HugsAlright You forgot about Syri by the Spaceballs Syri...where to put accident when teleports...ohh yeah. So Syri should be in this as President Skroob ;)

@MESeele I admit I... (continued below)
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