I Made A Thing!


New Member
Sep 2, 2016
It's too broken to post in the Showcase atm, but I made a solid first step in my new text smut game project! And I uh... Well, I don't have any friends! So I wanted to brag about it to people who know this kind of stuff! 

It took me probably a lot longer than most people, but it is turning out pretty well. 

In the game at the beginning you choose Male, Female, or Herm.   These determine your genitals, genital sizes, etc.

And you choose species, Fox, Cat, Wolf, Polar Bear (All are easy to add, it's been a priority to make modifying body parts easy)

There are exactly 40 different values stored describing the players body that can be modified anywhere from height to fur/scale pattern. (Atm I'm using my $furpattern value to store scales and fur, because bad dev)

I finally got everything working and began typing a basic self examination page kind of like CoC's, this is what I got in so far:

"You are male. You stand 72cm tall.

You are covered head to toe in short red fur with black ear and tail tips, and a white stomach.

Your pointed fox ears twitch occasionally. Your face is narrow with a fox muzzle. You have olive canine eyes.

Your long-sleeved shirt clings tightly to your lithe body, and your pants hang loosely from your average hips.

Behind you your fluffy vulpine tail flicks about.

Your breasts are flat, with protruding average size nipples.

You have a penis ."

It took longer than I care to admit, but I am so psyched! A few more weeks and the system might even be stable enough for me to start putting in something semi resembling minor gameplay!

I apologize if this was a bad place to post this, I assumed General Bullshit is for any topic type, if I was wrong I apologize in advance and thank you for your patience :)

Oh also. Anyone have advice on text based gameplay? I've only ever played CoC so I don'y have extensive experience with how text games should "feel" when being played.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
What if you made it feel like a narrative? Like James Earl Jones and Tommy Lee Jones are reading your game to a blind player?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
If your going to make a game like this establish what is going to be covered and whats not. Like a lot of smut game devs don't like rape, preggo, etc.  Also don't force yourself to write if you're not feeling it. I don't write myself , but many writers stress this all the time.
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New Member
Sep 2, 2016
What if you made it feel like a narrative? Like James Earl Jones and Tommy Lee Jones are reading your game to a blind player?

I might switch it up to be like that, it does sound more fun/interesting.
I have a new draft of the character description at the bottom of this post.


If your going to make a game like this establish what is going to be covered and whats not. Like a lot of smut game devs don't like rape, preggo, etc.  Also don't force yourself to write if you're not feeling it. I don't write myself , but many writers stress this all the time.

TBH I'm probably going to have a little everything, and simply allow players to "Opt Out" when a new game is started. I can easily make Feral scenes into anthro scenes, and force/rape can be avoided. I have an option in currently that disables loss-sex. Losing just makes you respawn at the Tavern atm.

This is the new character description currently (I have over 52 different variables controlling the appearance of the character. Not all are visible in examination, some cover stats and such.):

You are a male wolf covered head to toe in medium length silver thick fur, speckled with patches of white and black on your belly and face.

Your pointed wolf ears twitch occasionally atop your angular canine face. Your have steel grey canine eyes. Your jaw is a wolf muzzle, tipped with a small wolf nose and normal lips.

You stand 65cm tall, and your comfortable clothes fit your athletic body well.

Your chest has 2 flat breasts topped with 2 average light pink protruding nipples.

You have average hips and an average rear end. Your fluffy wolf tail swishes about behind you.

You have wolf paws, and wolf feet.

A peek at your private area shows you have a 5 inch long 2 inch thick knotted wolf penis. Hanging below you have a pair of golf-ball sizedballs. 

Your anus is very tight.


Currently your body type (Athletic, Average, Lithe, Buff, Husky) are determined by your stats. (No more Teensy femmboys who can lift a car, or Big husky guys sprinting like ninjas)

Combat looks like this now:

A short humanoid creature with green skin. It's skin is dark and leathery, pulled tight over it's lean muscles. The creature lurches towards you. From it's lack of breasts you assume it to be male.
It is wielding a Bronze Knife and wearing Cloth.

Vaginald's HP: 50 --- Goblin's HP: 18


(I click attack)

You swing your Shortsword at the Goblin, dealing 3 damage through it's Cloth!

The Goblin attacks with it's Bronze Knife, dealing 5 damage through your Gimp Suit!


Weapons have a damage range, like dnD or Diablo. Shortsword is 2-6. 

Damage calculation is basic:

Weapondamage(2-6) + Terrainbonus + PlayerStrength/2 - EnemyDefense(EnemyArmor + NaturalDefense + TerrainBonus) = Total Damage that attack.

Just wrote the first adult scene. It was fun.

Also the theme is simple.

Theme is everything.

You are in a network of Cyber Dimensions. 

Essentially somebody developed the technology to convert organic matter to data, just no way to turn it back into organic matter.

This of course led to thousands of people choosing to become data and essentially live in a virtual world of their dreams. One large corporation invested well and now owns the entirety of that digital world, and has made you, the player, an offer you can't refuse. 

It turns out plenty of criminals decided the digital worlds were the best hiding places, since going there was a one way trip. It'd be crazy to expect officers in the real world to give up their lives there to pursue criminals in the digital one.  
As a Bounty Hunter, you've already done plenty of work hunting heads, but recently your work pissed off the biggest crime lord in the real world. The corporation offers you a way out of trouble by producing the tech necessary to convert you to data and hide you away into the digital world. On the condition that while you are there you simply track down one of their employees, who had gone missing. 

Alongside the free ( Usually very rare/expensive) trip, they also are offering a huge amount of money for the safe rendevous with their employee.

Anyhow. This lets me mess around with themes without needing to world build too hard.  Gothic Castle Zone, Steampunk Cowboys, space pirates, Medieval land, etc. they are all different servers for these digital worlds.

Anyhow, yeah. It's really fun to put this all together. Once I have a few NPCs implemented and a fight or two I can release a playable version in Showcase