i just wondered why the pregnancy system was never finished


May 11, 2016
in tits ever since it was added i always wonder why is there only egg impregnation but it's lacking live and that kind makes some of the perks useless in the game i know it could be because no one submitted it as an event but there's not even a place holder and spent about hour trying to sign up to ask about this because i got stuck captcha...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No one wants to mess with a pregnancies. Too much complications story-wise.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Please stop while your ahead. Savin needs peace.

Listen guys: Stop. Mentioning. Pregnancy. All questions regarding this now infamous subject have more than likely been answered so just stop.

Spare Savin the grief of repetition. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You guys are way too dramatic. This post is not about any of Savin's characters in particular and it's not like Savin is the sole author of TiTS looming over us with a pregnancy master switch.

Anyway, the "system" is finished and there are already live pregnancies added like with the Queen. More will be added at authors' discretion. The only thing preventing them from being written so far is that honestly, no one's really been prioritizing it. Even if/when they do it'll probably be generic ones instead of ones with your waifu(s). I'd love to see more Strange Egg stuff, myself. Tentacle waifu master when?
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
If you want it, you write it, and keep in mind if the flow upsets Gedan's Feng Shui, it won't happen.  Pretty much the way things work with most content that goes in. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Pregnancy system is pretty much finished.

I believe there's not gonna be that much pregnancy content being written until after the Nursery is implemented (which will probably happen when The Last Guardian comes out).

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Get ta writing, we did have a writer who WOULD have been the dedicated preg content writer but he up and left to become a professional non-erotic writer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
He actualy was to begin with non-erotic writer and along the way he comed to fen forum and ends up wirting smut too. Who even remember JimThermic wasn;t his real nickname he used before but made it this way to seperate smut writing from non-smut ones. Also if OP want see some live preg stuff try catch and have 'quaility time' with red myr deserter in caves ;)

And for all we know...it sometimes irkesome how people after initial new preg content meantiong him or his npc's. When will come day when people will set eyse on preg stuff for other writers npc and bother them too about it?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
And for all we know...it sometimes irkesome how people after initial new preg content meantiong him or his npc's. When will come day when people will set eyse on preg stuff for other writers npc and bother them too about it?

Probably because people reeeally liked Jim's NPC's and writing.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Pregnancy content isn't a high priority and the leading pregger lover writers have left for other pursuits, largely non-sexual. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
When will come day when people will set eyse on preg stuff for other writers npc and bother them too about it?
Probably because people reeeally liked Jim's NPC's and writing.

Also bugging other authors for preg content is a bad idea especially if they don't want to write it. Savin is best and key example of why badgering writers about pregshit is a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Probably because people reeeally liked Jim's NPC's and writing.

I liked his writing too but...nor I nor any of us can make him back and write something new. That closed chapter already for our community.

@Karre: After Jim created void for all pref fans they deperation can got 'best' of them evne pushing as far as ask hardcore pregohiles like Savin for pregstuff. But then won't they seen it comming when he lash out at them back at worst or...igonre at best? Who else now of writers could be considered even with like 1/10th Jim interest in preg stuff? I not think we could find even one such writer of those in the limelight.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Another one. You've got to be kidding me. I've been here two months and this is, what, the fourth time this exact question has been asked? Fifth? I almost feel like this warrant's a freakin' sticky at the top of the TiTS board...

Pregnancy content will get here when it gets here. Like all of the game's content. Just because something is not immediately being worked on and thrown into the game doesn't mean it's never going to be. There's been no announcement that pregnancy content is being cut.

But at this rate it wouldn't surprise me, just out of sheer annoyance with being pestered so much.

I blame FenCo Games' track record. It's hard for any dev to get away from expectations set by their previous work even if they publicaly state that their new stuff would be different. Which, to my knowledge, neither Fen nor Savin or Gedan has ever done in anything other than regural forum posts.
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Plus if you really want pregnancy content and can't write it. Commission someone else to write it for you.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Yet another one of these posts...No offense to you OP of course, it´s just that this question has been asked many times already. I doubt this will be the last post asking this question too...

Btw. I´d recommend people to search the forums, eventually the wiki (if its about implemented stuff), if you have any questions before posting. You can usually find a lot of answers to your questions even without making a new thread this way :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Another one. You've got to be kidding me. I've been here two months and this is, what, the fourth time this exact question has been asked? Fifth? I almost feel like this warrants a freakin' sticky at the top of the TiTS board...

Pregnancy content will get here when it gets here. Like all of the game's content. Just because something is not immediately being worked on and thrown into the game doesn't mean it's never going to be. There's been no announcement that pregnancy content is being cut. 

But at this rate it wouldn't surprise me, just out of sheer annoyance with being pestered so much. 

Yeah, there's definately going to be more of it in the future. And I don't blame them for not making it a priority, because it's... filler, to be honest. Atleast when compared to new quests, planets, NPCs, that sorta thang.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I almost feel like this warrants a freakin' sticky at the top of the TiTS board...

Yet another one of these posts...No offense to you OP of course, it´s just that this question has been asked many times already. I doubt this will be the last post asking this question too...

Btw. I´d recommend people to search the forums, eventually the wiki (if its about implemented stuff), if you have any questions before posting. You can usually find a lot of answers to your questions even without making a new thread this way :)

If I were Magic Ted, I'd add a big fat note as a forum header. You know, that annoying type. One that would only go away if the user read a TiTS FAQ with the likes of "check the wiki", "use Search", "no, you won't have four arms" or "Want it? Write/commission it".
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Too bad the people that get pissed are just as bad as the unknowing OPs that ask.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ignorance is bliss... that and people lacking the use of common sense, people are just fuckin lazy to bother to check honestly. It really isn't that hard to use a search function... erm... isn't it? Unless the forums are borked up again.
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