Hybrid Children and Galomax



So when it comes down to it there are only two instances of sentient live birth so far, the Deeps Queen and Renvra. It's implied that the children for both are hybrids and have the characteristics of steele at the moment. So if we are a goo girl(or another race but 80% goo so technically still goo girl)what traits would the kids gain? Are they like able to shapeshift but generally have a stable appearance? What do you think, and what traits would steele's kids have?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
If its anything like CoC's hybrid children, thanks to your nanite infused blood, your kids will only get different eye/hair/scale colors. If you're goo, I would guess they might get green coloration. But be almost fully identical to their mothers species, because unlike normal people, your nanites make your sperm/eggs magically be even more similar/compatible with whoever is your partner.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If its anything like CoC's hybrid children, thanks to your nanite infused blood, your kids will only get different eye/hair/scale colors. If you're goo, I would guess they might get green coloration. But be almost fully identical to their mothers species, because unlike normal people, your nanites make your sperm/eggs magically be even more similar/compatible with whoever is your partner.

Not magic! Sexy science! 


Aug 26, 2015
I'm pretty sure you'll only get kids that are like you in color palette, since taking all the possibilities into account would be functionally impossible.


I'm pretty sure you'll only get kids that are like you in color palette, since taking all the possibilities into account would be functionally impossible.

MFW all steele's kids have Silver skin, steel hair, and sapphire nipples(and exoskeleton)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm pretty sure you'll only get kids that are like you in color palette, since taking all the possibilities into account would be functionally impossible.

Not quite.  Since all characters now use the same class template, you could copy over a portion of the PC's traits to their children.  Say copy the father/mother's traits, paste a handful of the PC's over that, then scramble a few things like sexual characteristics, femininity, and tone, which leaves you with a new child.  Mind you, it would still require some work since some traits shouldn't be inheritable and you'd have to check to make sure that doesn't happen.  Also, when writing content for those children, the author would have to use tags exclusively for them and not take any of the actual traits into account in any scenes they're writing.


Aug 26, 2015
Not quite.  Since all characters now use the same class template, you could copy over a portion of the PC's traits to their children.  Say copy the father/mother's traits, paste a handful of the PC's over that, then scramble a few things like sexual characteristics, femininity, and tone, which leaves you with a new child.  Mind you, it would still require some work since some traits shouldn't be inheritable and you'd have to check to make sure that doesn't happen.  Also, when writing content for those children, the author would have to use tags exclusively for them and not take any of the actual traits into account in any scenes they're writing.

So like I said, functionally impossible.  Your children being formless hypothetical blobs of possible traits would make each of them a mini-Bess to write for.


So like I said, functionally impossible.  Your children being formless hypothetical blobs of possible traits would make each of them a mini-Bess to write for.

Then wouldn't the best thing be just to change their skin and hair color and then add one or two perks? Like alright you had dark skin and steel hair, all your kids have that along with milky or bulgy or whatev. Then if your a Kuitan they're herms or male. Finally factor in your milk and semen production/type at time of birth and change them accordingly. Or is all that alot more complicated than it seems?


Aug 26, 2015
Or is all that alot more complicated than it seems?

Yes.  You have to go back and adjust it every time a new race comes out, for one: for another, this isn't CoC with magic rapid growing children to have a round of incest with minites after birth and then leave never to be seen again.  Your babies are, you know, babies.  Babies are not for fucking.

Of course there's the Queen of the Deep and her magic fast-growing spawn, but they are presumably the exception.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes.  You have to go back and adjust it every time a new race comes out, for one: for another, this isn't CoC with magic rapid growing children to have a round of incest with minites after birth and then leave never to be seen again.  Your babies are, you know, babies.  Babies are not for fucking.

Of course there's the Queen of the Deep and her magic fast-growing spawn, but they are presumably the exception.

And the Naleen if the naleen daughter things gets through.

It does fuck with extended neoteny requirements for intelligence/sapience in RL.