How would corruption affect an asexual person?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2024
On a journey
For gameplay reasons, I keep my libido at 0 while maxing my corruption to 100. Always thought it was funny to have my guy basically be a step away from being a demon but technically having no sex drive and it made me wonder how an asexual person would react to Mareth's sexual corruption. Would they be unaffected? If they turn into a demon are the mostly unchanged? Does anyone have any idea what would happen in that scenario?

Also if I'm misusing asexuality in this scenario, sorry my bad.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Corruption makes you horny even before you get to the stage of cumming your soul out and becoming a demon, so it's a moot question.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
Asexual people still masturbate, so I'd imagine a corrupt asexual person would just masturbate their soul out and then develop an obsession with self-pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Corruption makes you more amoral and self absorbed. Now matter what, corrupted beings will always be obsession focused, but that obsession doesn't have to be sexual. For vast majority of the corrupt, it is due most ways that increase corruption also increase libido. But their have been examples of corrupted beings not motivated by sex. Farrah is primarily motivated by money and while she enjoys sex, it's more of a means to get more money. If you played CoC1, then you may remember Sean, who was a demon merchant and was non sexable.

Now how an asexual person would manifest their corruption would depend on how their asexuality manifests.

They could be motivated by something else such as money, power, violence, knowledge, or some other esoteric goal.

They could become obsessed on trying to find someone they are attracted to.

They could be incredibly narcissistic and be aroused by their form and their form only.

These are just a couple ideas on how corruption could manifest.