How to write Male scenes?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Hey all!

Ive recently been trying to write a scene from a male perspective, and im having some slight issues.

I was wondering if any of you have any tips on writing? And for you guys out there, what makes a good scene good? Are there any sexual actions that you really like? How do you feel about getting anally raped by a robot?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Oh, and for people who play with hard characters, how would your character react to losing a fight? Would they resist? Would they accept it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2016
Considering the massive variety of fetishes and preferences men can have, all that can be said universally is "does the penis feel the good feels?" For many, that could mean getting railed by a robot. That's a catch with writing porn/TiTS content; you can please many, but not everyone. I can't really help with what would be a "better" scene for males without involving my own likes.

edit: That's what it comes down to really- What do you like? Even if you don't have the dangly bits between your legs.

And as far as a hard character, I personally wouldn't imagine much difference between winning/losing vs the other personalities, other than a "Yeah yeah, I know how this goes." tone I guess.
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Dec 23, 2017
I think it matters less about -what- you write, and more about -how- you write. Focus on the depiction, the details, and the scene. Make it feel -real- and the content will sort itself out. Make sure the sentence structure flows, and make sure that there are no sharp or sudden jumps in the logical progression of the scene. Even the most simple of subjects can be powerful and moving when written powerfully and passionately. Likewise, even the greatest of concepts can fall flat with poor execution.

If what you seek is knowledge on how to make scenes you lack experience in believable, then seek out similar scenes written by others and piece things together from there. This is fantasy, so you don't have to obey all the laws of our world, but at the same time, don't stray so far away from reality that it becomes difficult to relate to.

Also, be sure to use a wide array of verbage. As nothing can bog down a piece more than repeating the same few verbs and adjectives too many times in close secession. That being said, don't go too overboard either and use large or archaic words simply to sound smart or somesuch.

But what do I know? I don't have a lick of writing skills nor have I ever done much of anything of merit in the fields of creativity XD


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What is the sex/gender of the robot?

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Posting the actual details of the scene you're looking to write would help with tailoring practical advice for you. Otherwise you're just going to get ~follow your dreams~ type stuff.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Alright, thanks everyone.

The scene is the player and a companion getting ambushed by a damaged female sexbot. The sexbot is very damaged, so its missing its genitals, and it will use its hands/tentacles instead. If you get defeated, it will engage a sex scene, where you can either let the sexbot do it, or resist.

If you resist, your friend helps you out by shooting the sexbot and disabling it. Ive more or less finished the female scenes (only needs a bit more polishing), and now im doing the male scenes.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Okay, there are a few angles you could work in that scenario depending on how much work you want to do and what tone you want to have.

Focusing on the indignity of it all as I think you were considering to begin with is definitely one way to do it. With male-perspective scenes the male ego is always something to keep in mind, whether stroking it or bruising it, since it's so paramount to how men think of themselves and others. An anal virgin variant scene could be especially harsh, focusing on how the character has lost command over himself and can't even say he's being fucked but violated in a deeply unsettling way, tries to distract himself by going over the fight in his head, thinking of what he should have done but eventually, to his shame, he can only focus on the tentacles or fist in his butt and as he tries to resist having an assgasm with all his might he suffers another loss to the sexbot. Another way of approaching that same theme with more experienced characters would be how embarrassing it is to lose to a broken sex doll of all things, how the treatment's giving them a weird boner, and even on the companion at first cursing themselves for being unable to help but eventually finding it kind of hot and rubbing themselves to it a little, the perspective character notices and can either ignore it or awkwardly try to put on a show for their companion.

Or (again, depending on how much work you want to do) you could have a resist scene that focuses on this humiliation and then a give in scene that goes the other way, focusing on how being torn down by a broken machine intent on getting in him is getting him worked up and then writing it as more of a tentacle-monster style scene where the bondage and forced pleasure quickly flip his switch and have him wantonly enjoying it. Scenes like that are all about how the mindlessness of the monster breaks down all social stigmas and expectations against sluttiness and also how being out of control of his own pleasure (and especially having too much forced on him, a sensory overload) melts away any civilized notion of himself till he's just an ineffectually rutting thing just like the monster that's raping him, its equal-opposite.

Putting aside the basics of writing what you're going for with porn is hitting specific erotic triggers. You have to continually ask yourself what's erotic about each element and why. Context is very important so setting the scene is a better area to concentrate on if you're not sure how to make the actual mechanics of it sound appealing.


New Member
Mar 3, 2018
west Africa - srsly.
I think it matters less about -what- you write, and more about -how- you write. Focus on the depiction, the details, and the scene. Make it feel -real- and the content will sort itself out. Make sure the sentence structure flows, and make sure that there are no sharp or sudden jumps in the logical progression of the scene. Even the most simple of subjects can be powerful and moving when written powerfully and passionately. Likewise, even the greatest of concepts can fall flat with poor execution.

If what you seek is knowledge on how to make scenes you lack experience in believable, then seek out similar scenes written by others and piece things together from there. This is fantasy, so you don't have to obey all the laws of our world, but at the same time, don't stray so far away from reality that it becomes difficult to relate to.

Also, be sure to use a wide array of verbage. As nothing can bog down a piece more than repeating the same few verbs and adjectives too many times in close secession. That being said, don't go too overboard either and use large or archaic words simply to sound smart or somesuch.

But what do I know? I don't have a lick of writing skills nor have I ever done much of anything of merit in the fields of creativity XD

Um, I'd like to point out that this is some damn near flawless writing advice. For smut and in general..


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Alright, thanks everyone.

The scene is the player and a companion getting ambushed by a damaged female sexbot. The sexbot is very damaged, so its missing its genitals, and it will use its hands/tentacles instead. If you get defeated, it will engage a sex scene, where you can either let the sexbot do it, or resist.

If you resist, your friend helps you out by shooting the sexbot and disabling it. Ive more or less finished the female scenes (only needs a bit more polishing), and now im doing the male scenes.
Companion? There are no companions outside of quests and dungeons.