How to fix this (ahmri)


Dec 30, 2019
I just built a camp for ahmri and was interacting when the sex option says "wait" for after you complete her quest then sex or "convince" to just have sex right now. I wasn't in a rush and felt there might be some reward for doing wait rather than just now so i clicked wait and checked the wiki to see the general direction to go to continue the quest but then i find out her quest line isn't complete so there is no sex waiting for me anymore and i just softlocked it basically.

so how do i revert my decision i tried to use save editor and change the flags for ahmri to 0 but she's still there

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
I just built a camp for ahmri and was interacting when the sex option says "wait" for after you complete her quest then sex or "convince" to just have sex right now. I wasn't in a rush and felt there might be some reward for doing wait rather than just now so i clicked wait and checked the wiki to see the general direction to go to continue the quest but then i find out her quest line isn't complete so there is no sex waiting for me anymore and i just softlocked it basically.

so how do i revert my decision i tried to use save editor and change the flags for ahmri to 0 but she's still there
Load an earlier save.
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