How many Humans live in the TiTs universe? What's the most populous race?

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
I watched the new Kurzegesagt video earlier today and I've been thinking.

How many humans live in the TiTs universe? Going further, what's the most populous race?

I remember Savin mentioning somewhere that the game really only takes place in a small section of the Milky Way.

I know it's a porn game, but it's still fun to wonder about these type of things.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Well, considering the fact that space habitats exist and many species from the core worlds are multi-planet, even if those planets are inhabited by small colonies, we can estimate that most core world species have populations between ten trillion and one-hundred quadrillion.

Figuring out which species has the largest population requires a lot more information than we have at the moment, but the answer is ultimately who controls the most worlds.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
I would argue it's some combination of whichever reproduces the fastest, has the safest environment and a long lifespan.


Well-Known Member
I'd say humans and ausar are the most populous simply by virtue of being the first two species to form interstellar colonies and governments (and thus have the most time to expand), with the gryvain in second as they're noted to have population issues prior to First Contact with the UGC (they breed quite fast for their lifespan) and to be rather active in both colonising and terraforming Rush planets. That's just my guess, though; I've no idea what's actually canon.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd say humans and ausar are the most populous simply by virtue of being the first two species to form interstellar colonies and governments (and thus have the most time to expand), with the gryvain in second as they're noted to have population issues prior to First Contact with the UGC (they breed quite fast for their lifespan) and to be rather active in both colonising and terraforming Rush planets. That's just my guess, though; I've no idea what's actually canon.
That sounds pretty accurate to me.

The longer you've been part of the Cofederacy, the more populous your race likely is due to the number of potential colonies. Humans and ausars can also interbreed, and do so to such a degree that "half-ausar" is a distinct census group; if you take the two races and their halfbreeds together you'd probably get a pretty massive slice of the galactic population.

And then the Gryvain cheat because they went backwards through the previous Planet Rushes and just terraformed uninhabited worlds. Probably into worlds that are STILL uninhabitable to everyone but the gryvain since they aren't normal air-breathers to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2022
Out of interest to the interbreeding is it really so that most races are kinda compatible or is it in game just steeles Nanite "magic" that makes it work between so many races?

(Cause like just going by one species definition Humans and Aussar could be seen as the same species considering they produce offspring that could be fertile?)


Well-Known Member
Out of interest to the interbreeding is it really so that most races are kinda compatible or is it in game just steeles Nanite "magic" that makes it work between so many races?

(Cause like just going by one species definition Humans and Aussar could be seen as the same species considering they produce offspring that could be fertile?)
Naturally occurring, for the most part. The only known species that explicitly can't naturally interbreed with humans, ausar, kaithrit, gryvain, kui-tan, ovir, laquines, suula etc. are leithans, roravans and tove (though I might've forgotten a few others, and there are some ambiguities; for instance, I'm not sure if slyveren and/or caesellians can breed with humans, ausar etc. or not). Leithans are a special case, as there exists technology that allows them to interbreed with humans, ausar etc.. Also, raskvel and sydians can't interbreed despite the facts that they can breed with humans and sydians are actually a subspecies/variant of human.

On the flipside, it is noted that because their polymorphic nature also applies to their gametes, vildarii are naturally capable of interbreeding with almost any species, explicitly including leithans.