"How Far" Inquiry


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
I've been thinking:  Should one ever want to write for TiTS, how far out there can content be before it's considered "too much?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you mean how much at once content served for fen to review then coders to code...I would say Bess tier is quite much in land of "too much". Well I think for generaly first works around 4-6k words should be max you write and submit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
In terms of extreme content? The rules say no vore, underage, scat, gore or bestiality. Killing is generally disallowed, so no snuff either. There isn't any specific guidance on noncon, most the harder edged stuff happens to the player (i.e. Bad Ends) as opposed to being done by the player though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Both of your answers were kinda what I as looking for, but not quite.  Let me rephrase:  How much can you get away with before even Clarke's Third Law calls bullshit?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Both of your answers were kinda what I as looking for, but not quite.  Let me rephrase:  How much can you get away with before even Clarke's Third Law calls bullshit?

TiTS is a very soft sci-fi setting, so my guess would be - pretty much anything, as long as the handwave/explanation you use won't be too insulting to the reader's intelligence. Obviously the thing you write should facilitate either the adventure or the smut aspects.

And yes, NS's tone aside, having some details would allow people to provide better answers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Why don't you state what you specfically want to write? You questions are nebulous and obtuse, so you receive answers in kind.

I tend to build up a lot of questions, so I may tried to do a catch-all, subconsciously.  Regardless, answers of any kind help.

They're information, after all.

TiTS is a very soft sci-fi setting, so my guess would be - pretty much anything, as long as the handwave/explanation you use won't be too insulting to the reader's intelligence. Obviously the thing you write should facilitate either the adventure or the smut aspects.

And yes, NS's tone aside, having some details would allow people to provide better answers.

Well, while I do wonder if there's a limit to it, honestly speaking, my imagination won't go that far.  Thank you for the answers.
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