How Does Thicc & Shake Work?


Active Member
Oct 2, 2015
You also have a "shake" option in your masturbation menu, however this stops working once you hit the max size (20).

Spoiler for further effects
You can go over this size though by OD'ing (5 or more doses) and continueing using the shake option. If you're doing it right, you'll get warnings while shaking with a special scene popping up after a few attempts. You can also get a bunch of butt-related perks and the new "Hips don't lie" perk this way.

Unfortunately other than for the perks there isn't really a good reason yet for OD'ing, as there are currently no descriptors for butts and hips larger than 20. They'll just get the same description as the normal max sized butts and hips.
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