How do you level in this game?


Nov 3, 2015
I recently decided that I was going to try TiTs out, but one thing that's kind of bugging me is that I can't seem to level. I've gained enough exp to level but I don't see a level button and getting more exp does nothing. Am I missing something?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I recently decided that I was going to try TiTs out, but one thing that's kind of bugging me is that I can't seem to level. I've gained enough exp to level but I don't see a level button and getting more exp does nothing. Am I missing something?

Yes. When the game tells you to sleep in order to level up, you ought to go find somewhere to sleep. Like your ship.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Around time when you beat enemy and would be getting exp it will say you attained max exp point for this level and then suggesting you to go sleep or smth like that. Check next time you hit max exp for lvl if you see something like that after beating enemy in place where game should normaly say how much exp you gained from the fight.
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I might be wrong but in the last public build I don't remember it telling me that I have a level up available and that I needed to sleep. When the xp gets high enough it gets a bit hard to tell if you're done or not.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well if it was removed may be needed to put back again. SInce for sure having it at win or lost screen telling that PC got max XP and need to go sleep to lvl up was usefull (and then if some would keep ask how to lvl it was easy reply: read goddamit texts after fight).