How do I un-Nuke Myrellion

Tyrant Belial

New Member
Sep 16, 2016
So I did Kara's second quest and decided to blow up the base, finished the quest, then saved.

And then found out that causes Myrellion to get glassed. What flags do I change in Minerva to undo this?

Edit: I really wanna know I don't want to have to restart my entire game. . .

Edit2: Also just cheating a way to do the quest again would work to I suppose.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Offline Minerva can't delete flags (which is what you would need to do), but unless things have gotten better, online Minerva is a crapshoot that won't run or won't export correctly. And I don't think the up and coming TiTS save editor allows for flag altering yet.

I don't know what specific flags you'd need to delete, but I know there are multiple other threads of this nature that hold the answer and could be found by searching.

I'm sure you don't want to hear this; and perhaps someone else will kindly prove me wrong, but if a bombed Myrellion is an absolute deal breaker for you, restarting might be all you've got for now. Might be twisting my finger in the wound by adding this, but I hope you've learned the importance of multiple saves and backups.


Use the search function. This topic comes up at least twice and month and previous topics have the answer.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You might be able to set the flag to NULL. Not sure how minerva works nowadays.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Uhm.. quite frankly, forget trying to restore it through minerva.. Tinkering with savefiles via minerva is already dangerous, trying to alter flags even more so..

Just restart, use the savegame editor (from a couple of threads ago), restore your character and redo your progress in about ..5-10 minutes (you can skip grinding and such..)

On the other hand.. you could always live with it. I mean you choose to push the button, if you just want to try it for the lolz, make a savegame *before* you do it and not after..

Anyways, the game is short enough to quickly redo it anways, take it as a lesson and create a new savegame, you have a lot of time before the next big content patch hits anyways ^^

That reminds my.. why *did* you add the chance to nuke Myrellion after all, Savin? Just to enjoy the sight of people trying to undo such an obvious bad choice? ^^'

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Really, it's punishing anyone without much forethought in general. You're pulling a Samus, yet all Samus does is blow the planet up. Tsk.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
You could always just... you know... save more often. Then you can load and undo your mistake!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Honestly I'm surprised there have been so many threads about this. One or two threads was one thing, now it's like a slight common thing and it just leaves me baffled...

Do people not even read through the entire warning you get before you go to actually nuke the planet? The warning's right there the first time you click telling you, in full detail, that consequences would happen with Myrellion as a whole if you do it, it WARNS you right there about the planet possibly getting glassed if you activate that nuke, second time on the same button is basically you confirming and thus activates the nuke despite the clear cut warning, so you have an extra click to think about what you're doing, and if you do that extra click you should be well aware of what you're locking yourself out of once you do.

Quite a way to punish those that don't read and/or think about what they're doing. Which is ironic for a fricking TEXT game imo. Unless one has a goal to blow up all the planets that allow said blowing up, or is still encountering that old weird bug for... god knows what reason exactly, I almost feel like the whole Myrellion nuke thing shouldn't be this frequent of an issue at this point. >.<

I probably sound a little rude, but if one doesn't take the time to sometimes read thoroughly in this game rather than bum-rushing through, consequences could and possibly will happen. And Myrellion's nuke was telling you clear as day as to what would happen, it's basically telling you "Don't do it, bad things will happen to the planet if you do." in a way. I suggest saving BEFORE you do a major dungeon when you take risks like that, or better yet and what's probably more recommended, save the same character in a completely separate save file before you even do said dungeon period, that way your main file won't be screwed over as a whole while your secondary file will be after you go "Okay so this does this, and this does that, and don't do this because it'll fuck me up and so will that and etc. etc.". Trust me, it saves you a lot of hassle.

As of now, you're probably out of luck unless you know how to save edit. I don't know how to do any of that and don't save edit in general, so you might need to restart and work your way over there again. The game's pretty easy to get through as a whole. Lesson learnt not to do it again at least.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Hmm, this is what I would do in the same situation. Make a copy of your save with the problem. Use offline Minerva to open the character's flag list in that save and skim it, looking for anything with a title that seems about nuking Myrellion (offline Minerva lists flags in alphabetic order, but can't add or delete them). Once you find it, use online Minerva to locate the same flag, delete it, and save the file (online Minerva lists the flags in random order and is not able to save the savefile with all browsers; Firefox works for me). Copy the new version in the savefile folder. Open it and check if the 'nuked Myrellion' problem is solved. Make yourself a rule of never clicking on anything w/o thinking or being aware of the possible consequences.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2016
You could always just... you know... save more often. Then you can load and undo your mistake!

this.........just this and believe me when i say after getting a bad end half way through did i learn this after having to start near the begining again


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sad part is my  kids  do this  type of thing on their computers.  Just clicking things at random without reading it. Last time I ended up removing 600+ viruses/adware etc.. from my daughters computer for her and that's from kid game site's like animal jam.


Sad part is my  kids  do this  type of thing on their computers.  Just clicking things at random without reading it. Last time I ended up removing 600+ viruses/adware etc.. from my daughters computer for her and that's from kid game site's like animal jam.

Adblock plus (or add-ons like that) should save you some of that hassle.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Just clicking things at random without reading it. Last time I ended up removing 600+ viruses/adware etc.

ABP is more helpful than anything for this. More useful than any antivirus. Not that you shouldn't let (at the very least) Defender do its thing.
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