Hovering For Choice Description Not Working (Android Chrome)


New Member
Apr 24, 2021
Hello team! I'm sure this isn't going to be up there that high in priority as it's a mobile issue that only appears to happen in Chrome but here it is. On the PC version when you hover over most choices a popup textbox describing or leaving a remark about the choice appears. The on hover functionality for mobile is already a weird gray area to begin with because you don't actually have a cursor to hover over links or elements on a web page so normally this is replicated by holding down a finger press on the element. Back with the old version of TiTs (apk for android) holding down worked just fine however it's different now that I have to use a browser on Android.

I'm using Chrome on a galaxy S10 and when I try to long press on a choice to get the description/remark to pop up it will flash on the screen for a split second and then dissappear. I tested it on mobile firefox and the default internet app and the holding down to hover works for them but not for Chrome. Not sure if this is only a mobile chrome issue or something on my end with Chrome (but I unfortunately can't test Chrome on multiple phones since I only have the one).

If any of you with an android could take a minute to see if the holding down on a choice to get the description to pop up works for you on mobile Chrome I'd really appreciate it.

I should note that weirdly MOST of the time it doesn't work but for some very specific choices/places the holding down actually does work on mobile chrome.

AN EXAMPLE WHERE IT DOES WORK ON MOBILE CHROME: The Codex and any of the choices when you're in the codex works (maybe the choices for it are somehow different from the scenario/context related choices?) Hovering over "extra" or "mail" or any of the choices in the Captains log work.

WHERE IT DOESNT WORK ON MOBILE CHROME: any of the choices when in some sort of scenario so for example hovering over any of the sexual actions when getting freaky with any of the aliens. I want to be able to read the funny remarks about the sexual positions :(

Anyways I'm sure this is longer than it should be, longer than I intended at least but hopefully this helps, not sure if it'll uncover some larger issue but anyways thank you so much for everything you all do, you all are amazing!


New Member
Apr 24, 2021
(also sorry for the kind of repost, figure I should have posted here and not the main TiTs thread)