Holy Slayer - Kas Slaying Guide



Nuke Kas with holy missiles.

Holy Slayer (PC)
Level: 6
Class: Thief
Attributes: Strength, Agility, Cunning
Boons: Max Willpower, Sharpen Blades, Eye Of The Storm, Ranger's Quarry
Powers: Charge Weapon, Sure Shot, Smite Evil, Unbreakable
Equipment: Chrysanthemum Petal (Primary), Kunai (Offhand), Wide-brimmed Hat, Amulet of Union, Champion's Belt, Royal Gloves, Lucky Strike*2

Set: Queenly Raiment
Boons: Sharpen Blades, Eye Of The Storm, Ranger's Quarry

Set: Chieftan's Bronze
Boon: None

To get the correct rest boons, sleep with Brint and Etheryn in your party then swap Brint for Arona.

PC > Unbreakable
Etheryn > Aurora Arrow
PC > Sure Shot
PC > Smite Evil
PC > Sure Shot

Arona's role is to face tank Kas's first attack, which is guaranteed thanks to her initial threat. Charged Weapon generates just enough threat to guarantee you get attacked second after you use Unbreakable. Etheryn's role is to use Aurora Arrow to give the PC bonus Holy damage and apply a Burning debuff to Kas to proc Twist the Knife bonus damage.
If Kas uses Dragon Breath during her first two attacks or if the PC's first Sure Shot fails to proc Kas's Frenzy, then the attempt is a failure.

Warrior PC is also viable. Hopknight Quinn is probably a better face tank due to his lower initiative. This setup can also be used on Dark, but has a lower success rate due to having a harder time Frenzying Kas. Attached is a save file for anyone to test the setup out, done in version 0.5.31. That's pretty much it!


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Here's a funny solo build where you slowly poke Kas to death

Zen Tank
Level: 6
Class: Warrior
Attributes: Toughness, Agility, Willpower
Boons: Physical Massage, Armorer, Eye Of The Storm, War Paint
Powers: Tranquility, Sure Shot, Cleansing Bell, Smite Evil, Inspiration
Equipment: Chrysanthemum Petal (Primary), Shield of Brawn (Offhand), Silver Mask, Fox-Tail Charm, Guard's Cape, Tiran Paladin Chestplate, Evergreen's Bounty, Royal Gloves, Charm*2

Kas's weapon does split Penetrating/Blight damage so we focus on upping those resistances.
We'll have 125 Blight and 45 Penetrating Resistance with the above equipment and boons which will make it possible to tank her hits.

1. Defend
2. Inspiration
3. Sure Shot
4. Cleansing Bell
5. Reset Tranquility
6. Repeat 3-5 until KO

Only smite evil if you have low health and you're uncertain if Sure Shot will KO Kas. Otherwise, the fight generally falls into the rhythm of 3-5. Kind of a coin toss if you win or lose.

Plenty of room for improvement in this build imo. Agility was maxed so that Etheryn doesn't ruin the turn order, but I believe there is an Agility/Presence split that can do the same and also give you some extra health. Seaweave Shaman's Cape would have been perfect for this build (Sunder immunity AND blight resistance :( ), but it's not available until after Winter City. The attached save file has been edited but only to save me some time in tracking down items.


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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
More combat tweaks incoming :D
Balak is just in the middle of a big item/power rebalance spree already anyway. The Petal was already scheduled for some tweaking because it's kinda busted, though Smite Evil's actually getting a BUFF. If the petal's not CRITICAL to the setup it'll prooooobably still work.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Balak is just in the middle of a big item/power rebalance spree already anyway. The Petal was already scheduled for some tweaking because it's kinda busted, though Smite Evil's actually getting a BUFF. If the petal's not CRITICAL to the setup it'll prooooobably still work.
Honestly maybe it would be good to just move the petal's ability around to gear gated behind a hard boss? The puppets you have to beat to get it are kind of trivial. I know that "To get this strong weapon you have to first prove that you don't need it!" is a cliche but in this case it would be warranted. Or just put it on a melee weapon so it can't be used with sure shot.

Honestly I used the petal less because it's so strong but because it freed up an ability slot. It gives me a way to use blessing without actually having to use a recharge power to use blessing, even if it's just for my char. I did notice that the sureshot+petal+storm weapon buff combo is very good for bosses but most standard fights are already over by the time I get everything set up, so normal attacks work just as well.

And it falls apart against enemies immune to crits of course.
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Since it's likely the Petal will be nerfed in the future, I've made a team build that can reliably beat Kasyrra without it.

Exploding Tank (PC)
Level: 6
Class: Warrior
Attributes: Agility, Toughness, Presence
Boons: Physical Massage, Armorer, Eye Of The Storm, War Paint
Powers: Tranquility, Warcry, Sure Shot, Resplendent Aria, Revive
Equipment: Kunai (Primary), Shield Of Brawn (Offhand), Silver Mask, Fox-Tail Charm, Flame Cape, Tiran Paladin Chestplate, Evergreen's Bountiful Bag, Royal Gloves, Iron Clogs, Charm*2

Set: Witch Gear
Boons: None

Set: Kami-no-Michi
Boon: None

Etheryn (Guest)
Set: Queenly Raiment
Boons: None

To get the correct rest boons, sleep with Brint and Arona in your party then swap to Cait and Kiyoko.
Like the Zen tank, we raise our Penetrating and Blight resistances to tank hits from Kas. We will also have enough Fire resistance to not be on death's door after Kas uses Dragon's Breath.

PC's job is to maintain high threat to direct attacks toward them and chip away at Kas's health.
Cait's job is to keep the PC alive using her healing powers.
Kiyoko's job is to buff the PC with Karmic Retribution and occasionally throw in a basic attack.

Kas's opening move determines how we approach the first round.

The best scenario is that Kas opens with Dragon's Breath and KO's Cait and Kiyoko. In that case, we use Revive on Cait who proceeds to use Shield on Light on the PC. The PC will then use Warcry to max out threat and generally alternate between Sure Shot and resetting Tranquility until you can use Warcry again. On Cait's end, she will follow up with Eternal Light into Heal, only using back-to-back Heals when necessary, and Shield of Light whenever it is available.

If Kas uses a different power, then the PC will open with Warcry and follows the above model along with Cait until she uses Dragon's Breath. Kiyoko is on standby during this waiting period and should use basic attacks.

At this point, we have the PC tanking and Cait pocket healing comfortably but a downed Kiyoko. With Cait's Devotion, we can revive her but it should only be done when the PC has high health and Eternal Light healing buff on them so they can safely go a turn without Cait's healing. It's also recommended you revive Kiyoko when Kas is near ~750 HP. After you revive Kiyoko, you'll want her to use Karmic Retribution on the PC. The PC then will follow up by using Resplendent Aria on Kiyoko so that she can reapply Karmic Retribution on the PC when its duration ends.

From here, we will continue with the PC chipping away, Cait healing, and Kiyoko doing whatever until Kas is dead. The link below shows an example of how the fight goes.

Bad RNG can lead to a situation where Cait's Devotion must be used on the PC instead of Kiyoko, but it's still a winnable fight with just the pair by following the same steps as before sans Kiyoko. Video on that below as well.

Still a lot of room for improvement. I did not explore other thrown/ranged weapons since I felt the Kunai did reliable damage through bleed, so there may be better options that exist than the kunai. Initiative ended up being the biggest source of grief during the first few rounds since it's possible to have the PC go after dead party members leading to Kasyrra chaining attacks onto our poor tank into a loss. For that reason, Winged Sabatons's +3 initiative could've helped out but I was too lazy to grab them and I think having more heavy armor pieces helps with gaining threat so the Iron Clogs stayed on. Attached is a 0.5.31 save file a tile away before the fight for anyone who wants to try it out themselves.


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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Finally got around to trying the first Holy Slayer, taking out Kas that fast was... amusing. And even more amusing when she automatically assumes you "sold your soul" and cheated. Managed to beat her with the Exploding Tank also on second try, but that was a lot more touch and go versus just flat out murder.

Thanks for this!


Finally got around to trying the first Holy Slayer, taking out Kas that fast was... amusing. And even more amusing when she automatically assumes you "sold your soul" and cheated. Managed to beat her with the Exploding Tank also on second try, but that was a lot more touch and go versus just flat out murder.

Thanks for this!
Thanks for testing them out! Personally, I was hoping for a little more after beating Kas. A title would have been neat similar to how you can unlock one by beating the Orc lodge but there is no higher compliment than someone calling you a cheater lol

I feel like ET would feel less touch and go if Kiyoko was removed from the equation and we just focused on tanking and healing but the burst damage she provides saves so much time...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2023
Does this still work? I think Kas' stats went up a little bit with the latest patches.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
The first build kills her consistently, the third one maybe every third attempt (but then I suck), the second one however I just fail all the time at.