Hollow's Typos & Bugs


New Member
Sep 1, 2021
Decided to go area by area testing different multiple scenes for bugs and typos
I have only done FIRST-14 so I have did all sex scenes and dialogue options under the form of a Half-Gryvain, bugs could be effected by different races so I thought it could be prevalent to note. Here is everything I have found in the codex entries and scenes up to the end of FIRST-14 All of these are exact copies of the dialogue seen.
Gryvain Codex Entry: History and Society 3rd paragraph, last sentence "Thankfully, both the Confederacy and Redesired peace, and the tense First Contact was resolved through diplomacy rather than force of arms."
Probably means to say "Republic"

Gryvain Techie:
Breed Her Scene 2 Virgin Half-Gryvain
6th Paragraph
"Yes ma’am," you mutter around the mature woman’s nipple, now firmly locked in your s, as you start to move your hips again.
Ride Cock Scene
“Ohhh,” she murmurs, looking you up and down. “If nmyou just wanted to be bred, honey, you coulda just asked. Saved us both a lotta head ache. Momma’s always happy to make sweet pieces of ass like you into big, gravid mommies.”
Take Inside Scene
“That was fun,” the milfy dragoness murmurs, slitted eyes wandering all over your naked, sweat-slicked body. “Not every day a beatiful half-gryvain crawls up on momma’s dick and breeds herself on me. Ohh, our daughters are gonna be gorgeous!”
"Of course," you say, smiling warmly. "Just because fate would have us be foes doesn’t mean we can’t leave as friends."

The gryvain recoils as if struck, looking on in disbelief. "Seriously? By the Goddess, I didn’t expect you to say yes!" She grins lecherously, stretching her tail out into your hands while she reaches underneath her thong, pressing on something that causes the holographic undies to burst apart into a fast-fading radiant firework. "By all means, use my tail, then." She pauses, sucking in her breath. "Use me!"" pc.isAssExposed
“Of course,” you say, smiling warmly. “Just because fate would have us be foes doesn’t mean we can’t leave as friends.”

The gryvain recoils as if struck, looking on in disbelief. “Seriously? By the Goddess, I didn’t expect you to say yes!” She grins lecherously, stretching her tail out into your hands while she reaches underneath her thong, pressing on something that causes the holographic undies to burst apart into a fast-fading radiant firework. “By all means, use my tail, then.” She pauses, sucking in her breath. “Use me!” Her feet even stretch out to you, yanking your bottoms open for you.
Dialogue repeats and stuff
"No." You push her hands away. "If you wanted to get off, you could have asked for that instead of pulling a fucking gun on me. Now?" Youpc.isCrotchExposed grab her by the tail.
"I promise!" the dragon-babe shouts, humping against you, thrusting her tail into your hands. "I’ll help! I’ll fuck you with my tail and do whatever you want, just lemme get off with you." She looks down, whimpering in the back of her throat. "...please?" pc.isAssExposed
Loss Scene
You latch onto them, fingers finding their way through her glittering hardlight rings and brushing over her rust-red nipples, distracting yourself from the stiff pride starting to split your " + (x >= 0 ? "labia apart":"cheeks") + ".
cummy spittle froths at your s around the dick ejaculating down the length of your sorely-stretched windpipe.
Ride Face Vag Scene
4th Paragraph
Your eyes cross, for a moment, and you see double the " + (!enemy.hasFur() ? "tiger":"lion") + "-cock
Loss Scenes
Cock flops into your field of view, stiff as a steel bar and leakier a busted coolant line") + ", spawning a puddle of fragrant arousal on the deck next to you. He’s fucking insatiable.
Face Cunt Scene
|The petite narrowness of your feline cunt is easily overcome by an alien patience. Pure joy shudders through your legs as Ysolte lunges far and withdraws so quickly that you clench against your own walls. The tightness is eye-wincing and toe-curling. "Lovely... I have an affinity for kaithrits, my sssavior. Although I prefer meatier meals, there’s an energy to you here that pleases me."
|Ysolte employs a number of gryvain and that is the likeliest explanation for how she is so intensely aware of your draconic hole’s unique qualities. Instead of one exterior clitoris, there are several bulging nubs texturing the black stretch of your pussy’s walls, and with a tongue many-feet thick and long she flattens all of them in heavily-lubricated thrusts, scattering your conscience to distant galaxies, making your wings spread to full, mind-blown span. "Hmhm — an unsurprising effect. I wonder how many envy your ability to feel so much pleasure, Jetta..."
Seems to be that their is a problem with differing lines for cunt types.

That is all I have encountered, I myself have not experienced any crashes though I did notice in forums that Vika can cause crashes with her SSTD healing scenes. The screen shot below is of the RideTailScene Yes Option.


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    Screenshot 2021-12-09 154946.png
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