Having Trouble With Powers

Sep 4, 2017
Hi all.
So I'm playing a Thief Class, and I've trained with Garth in a couple of new Powers. Problem is, they aren't showing up on the character menu (the one opened by clicking ... ).
I have a leftover slot under Powers, but it didn't autofill when I trained.
In a similar vein, I accidentally bought a couple Powers from Ivris, though I'm not a Black Mage. These haven't shown up either. Will they appear later if I change classes to Black Mage?
I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong. If someone could help me understand what to do, I'd appreciate the help.
Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
They're in the Powers tab of your Journal, the "..." window is literally nothing but a status tab. There is no class restriction on abilities, either. You should probably check out the angry red numbers filling your Journal.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Yeah, your Journal is where you change your equipped Powers and also where your companions can change theirs once you obtain alternate gear sets for them, in their case though it's on the Character page.