Has anyone made a CoC2 Music Playlist?


Aug 11, 2021
Anyone who has played CoC2 or TiTs for any length of time knows that like text based there is little to no sound or music. Now when I play a text based this is not an issue for I me I read alot and I enjoy the different voices my mind assigns to various characters. CoC2 is kinda Different it's text heavy like any good CYOA burt it also a great turn based rpg combat that reminds me of early Square titles.
So on my 3rd or playthrough I did something different I put on Magus's Boss tune from Chrono Trigger in the background when I encountered Tollus and that became his theme.
I think it snowballed from there, Kassyra was given Devil Trigger from DMC5 ( I was playing alot of it at the time), Last Surprise from Persona 5 became the default fight music (the lyrics of the song are about how fucked the enemies are, in CoC2's case that can be literally) Mid bosses or tough battles Rules of Nature From Metal Gear Solid Revengance,
Boss battles Rivers in the Desert from Persona 5. Marvin Gaye's Let Get it on for those more intimate scenes and finally the Skyrim Daylight soundtrack work perfectly for the world map
I'm constantly increasing this playlist I gave Etheryn I am the One from Dragon Age (It's an Elven survivor's song and she is deffo a Survivor)
I'm thinking Dare by Stan Bush for Cait, Heartboner by NSP even tho it does not work thematically (it does sum my feelings about her!) is a close second
Kinda stuck on Brint/Brianne cos not sure whether to do one or two songs for them

So In summary cos I know I waffle on
Any time Tollus appears Magus Boss battle Chrono Trigger
Kassy Devil Trigger DMC5
Mid Bosses Rules of Nature MGS Revengance
Boss Battles Rivers in the Desert Persona 5
Battle Theme Last Surprise Persona 5
Lets get it on Marvin Gaye
Skyrim Day
Anyhow I'd love to to know if anyone has had a similar experience and what songs you're playing with currently


Aug 11, 2021
Yeah should've known a game of this age and following there would been a prior convo about this was hoping on people sharing recent opinions tho espcially given recent content drops and hey if those old threads no reason why we can't start a new one! Seriosly I really need help with this Brint\Brianne conanudrum !


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Nothing wrong with bring up a new thread and seeing if the topic will gain traction, IMO. It's not worse then practicing necromancy on the pretty old previous threads on the topic, in any case.

As for Bint/Brienne, I'd go with different tracks for them, because they very quickly become their own people off- and on the battlefield. Maybe some separate tracks for their elementalist sets, too.

Cait's Witch (but really dedicated healer) set is really easy to figure out. That track could have only been a better fit if it was stylized with some vaguely Middle Eastern motifs. The sheer abundance of fun, slapping and themed Powerwolf tracks really makes me want to create a Lupine Inquisitor as my second dedicated Silly Mode character.

Centaurs pretty much gotta have a lot of throat singing and strings accompanying them.

Now that I have finally exploring Icewood and Glacial Rift with most of my characters, Banner Saga games' OSTs are my best friend. Though Walls No Man Has Seen strongly associates for me with Fort Marrock, just for the tonal shift both the quest and the zone provide compared to other early game content, and all the cool lore it brings up.

And overall the mood of the setting is for me summed up in this song. Especially the lyrics. Just switch most of the references to drinking your troubles away for ones to coping with all the awful and weird shit going on via sexual indulgence.
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