Has anyone defeated Mirian Bragga in the spin-off "The Silence"?


Sep 20, 2021
I'm curious because I've tried twice now (the second time after grinding Tarik's health nearly back to full) and I got decently close to downing her the second time, but clearly you're not expected to win given the ending you get after losing against her. Not to mention Bragga does appear in the main game if you fail Saendra's first quest.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't, either, even after focusing all my fire on her; if her Health gets too low, she'll recover some Health and Shields, by which point your entire party is probably at or close to 0 Health. Based on my first playthrough where I didn't focus fire on her, I'm also pretty sure her goons respawn indefinitely (or at least enough that taking them out isn't worth it). Losing is also canon, as Kara explicitly states she needed cybernetic eyes due to Bragga shooting her with a laser pistol, which is how the loss scene ends.


Sep 20, 2021
Gotcha gotcha. I hadn't considered her managing to heal like that... yeah that'd make it impossible for sure. I do think you could potentially have a win scene where she still manages to shoot Kara in the face as she's being dragged to safety by minions or something, but having it be a loss is fair.

I just wanted to make sure since I'm still operating under the hope I can make use of the save file (or a save editor or the like on the main) to re-enable some of the bonus stuff like the other personality options and Connie showing up in game. Assuming Connie isn't standard now, since I'd be setting Kara to mischievous probably anyway.


Sep 20, 2021
Yeah, makes sense... though reading the save file shouldn't be that big a deal even between the two I'd think. Alas, I'm guessing the branching potential was straight up removed from the code. If not... maaaaaybe I can save edit it in? But I'm doubting it.

Edit: I stand corrected; if you manually edit her personality value (such as via the available online editor) her dialog does in fact change! Not a whole lot, and mischievous is still the best I'd say, but it's something.

I found the flag for Connie too, huzzah! "Silence_Rescued_Connie". Set that to 1 and she showed up! I'm happy I kept looking, honestly not sure how I missed it the first time. So yeah, if anyone wants to do so that's how you do it.
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