If you lay down to level up, complete level up, immediately press the button to configure your email, and then exit your email after configuring it, you get a screen with no movement options.
LevelUp,ConfigEmail,Hardlock (M) - 20Hrs 6Mins, 11 Days - Casstech Z14, Ara Ara.json
Goddamnit, trying to proc the pumpking so I can make the random one-way link not just be a janky one-way link and hardlocked myself again setting up mail >.> Wasn't even immediately after a level up that time... but I can't seem to reproduce it doing a pure load + email setup...
[8:22 PM]Fenoxo:
...okay so if I load in, immediately email setup: works fine. If I load in, level up, wander around for 15 minutes, then set up email, still breaks.
[8:22 PM]Fenoxo:
So apparently there can be quite a bit of time between the two...