[HALP] TiTS Walkthrough? 2


New Member
Nov 23, 2019
The first walkthough on the form was called [HALP] TiTS Walkthrough?

was made by Savin edited by Nyxx Mar 29, 2016

here is what we have so far

  • Start the game.
  • Get on your ship, fly to Mhen'ga.
  • Grind up to Level 3 or so.
  • Go as far east as possible. You'll find a probe in the woods, guarded by a boss. (You forgot to say fantasize about boss until he stuffs you with multiple knots)
  • This unlocks Tarkus, the next planet. Go there.
  • Get up to level 5 or so.
  • Go as far east as possible. You'll find some Space SWAT guys dealing with Space Terrorists.
  • Become Space John McClane and enter the Stellar Tether, defeat the terrorists.
  • Learn how to play Light's Out. Use said skills to defuse their nuclear bomb. You have 4 hours between then and the dungeon's start.
  • Alternatively fuck back off to Novahome and wait for the planet to blow up, you monster
  • Either way, go back to Novahome. The next probe will be there. Try and get it.
  • This probe unlocks Myrellion. Go there.
  • Talk to the Kui-Tan, Republic, and Federation ambassadors. Get passes into the cities.
  • For once in your fucking life, go westward out of town.
  • Get up to level 8. Avoid getting your bowels filled with too many eggs by the locals. (100% sure you're supposed to spend as much time as possible getting crammed full of eggs)
  • Find the giant hole in the dirt in the far center-west. Descend into the Deep Caves.
  • Go south until you find the Hidden Lake. Submit to your Tentacle Crab Drider Mistress.
  • Go west until you find the nyrean village. Kick their palace doors down. (Violence is never the answer. Fight and then fantasize until gangbanged. Repeat process until finished rubbing yourself raw)
  • Find the key to the throne room. Go down to the throne room. Submit to your Amazon Futa Overlord.
  • Don't submit this time, slut. Beat Queen Taivra and her bodyguard and make them your bitches. (Then ride your new Amazon Futa Queen for even more eggs)
  • This gets you another probe. This probe doesn't unlock anything yet cuz that's all we've gotten around to so far.
  • Go to New Texas and wallow in busty cow-girls and giant bulldongers until another planet comes out.

Has anybody made more or more to add after 4/01/2016 to 11/24/2019


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Zheng Shi (new location) has been added.

Also, there's a ton of side quests and stuff to do. You don't NEED to do it, but a lot of it is pretty fun stuff. There's a couple of wandering NPCs, Doctor Bianca being the top one off my head.

There's no real wrong way to play TiTS. You might want to go to New Texas early and get a gym membership for stat grinding though.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So here's the current walkthrough...
  • Start the game.
  • Get on your ship, fly to Mhen'ga. Immediately lose virginity to Syri at local bar.
  • Go east of town and grind up to Level 3 or so.
  • If you are a Tech Specialist, at level 2 talk to a cat in the woods and follow instructions to get a laser pistol.
  • Go as far east as possible. You'll find a probe in the woods, guarded by a boss. Present anus to boss for inspection.
  • Salvage probe for $$$
  • This unlocks Tarkus, the next planet. Go there.
  • Leave Novahome, grind up to level 5 or so.
  • Go as far east as possible (again). You'll find some Space SWAT guys dealing with Space Terrorists.
  • Become Space John McClane and enter the Stellar Tether, defeat the terrorists.
  • Learn how to play Light's Out. Use said skills to defuse their nuclear bomb. You have 4 hours between then and the dungeon's start or everyone dies.
  • Alternatively fuck back off to Novahome and wait for the planet to blow up, you monster.
  • Either way, go back to Novahome. The next probe will be there. Try and get it.
  • This probe unlocks Myrellion. Go there.
  • Talk to the Kui-Tan, Republic, and Federation ambassadors. Get passes into the cities.
  • Talk to Kara at the bar and resolve event chain this starts. Siding with Shade will later get you access to the side planet Uveto.
  • Choose between Prussian Ants or French Ants and enter one of the ant cities.
  • For once in your fucking life, go westward out of town.
  • Get up to level 8. Present anus for as many eggs from the locals as possible.
  • Find the giant hole in the dirt in the far center-west. Descend into the Deep Caves.
  • Go south until you find the Hidden Lake. Submit to your Tentacle Crab Drider Mistress.
  • Go west until you find the nyrean village. Kick their palace doors down and/or get gangbanged by royal guards.
  • Find the key to the throne room. Go down to the throne room. Submit to your Amazon Futa Overlord.
  • Don't submit this time, slut. Beat Queen Taivra and her bodyguard and make them your bitches. Ride your new Amazon Futa Queen for even more eggs.
  • This gets you another probe. Salvage it for $$$. This unlocks Zheng Shi.
  • Return to tarmac; if you sided with Shade, get access to Uveto. If not, take a moment to grind space encounters (level 6+) until you meet Zaalt, who does the same.
  • Go to Uveto if grinding necessary. Romance a dragon, do Siege of Korgii Hold, if you met Syri on Mhen'ga do her dungeon here.
  • Go to Zheng Shi, tell pirates "Fuck You." Welcome to a planet-sized dungeon.
  • Beat your bulge, then either disguise self as a slave, meet Ardia, and beat up an orc OR fight a space moth and a giant robot IN SPACE. DO NOT DISCARD SPACE SUIT PARTS.
  • Progress through dungeon. Submit anus for Roz the Armor Goo; impregnate as many jumpers as possible. This is critical.
  • Head to foundry deck, then second floor; find science lab, beat up Dragon MILF, and make friends with a sex bot.
  • Go to the Sidewinder, fuck giant shark lady, flip off cousin, enter ship.
  • Beat Shock Hopper boss, emasculate her boss, secure probe. Free slaves to get giant venusian domme companion. Steal Sidewinder to get best ship + Dragon Robot companion.
  • Endgame for now. New planet coming early 2020 probably.


Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
Space John McClane
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Reactions: Senera2000


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2019
Y’all forgot to glass Myrellion after getting the probe.


New Member
Nov 23, 2019
Wow that was fast and thank you Savin. Please keep up the great work on this game and the help you give.
Last edited:


Nov 25, 2019
Where's the part where I get genuinely emotionally conflicted about Penny, Amber and Embry all considering me their boyfriend


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Has anyone watched Futurama's "A Bicyclops Built for Two"? At this point, I feel as if Steele was Alcazar, changing "castles" for "missable contents".