

New Member
Aug 17, 2016
Hello there. I am new to the site, and I figured I'd try to introduce myself to save me the hassle of stumbling blindly around looking for some sort of topic to interject myself into. I've been following Fenoxo's work since... shoot, just before the Nagas and Reptilium were introduced into CoC, back when it was still an unnamed text-based game. I've been following the progress of CoC and TiTS on and off since then, and have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it, from the writing to the dialogue and even to some of the more.... unusual fetishes portrayed in these games (worms, in particular.)

A bit about myself: I'm a badass bartender living in the Greater Atlata area and am currently absolutely lost as to what I want to do professionally, be it expanding my skills behind the stick or focusing more on another field in which I may be able to find happiness. I'm heavily into gaming, tending to stay away from FPS titles and leaning more toward RPGs and the like, with some notable exceptions (I'm looking at you, Payday 2.) If you can name a console, chances are I've played a game on it or owned it at some point. I'm also trying to get a voice acting career off the ground, and plan on converting a spare room in my house into a studio where I can record things for projects both personal and work-related. Any tips people can give on this would be massively appreciated, as becoming a professional VA and working with the likes of Troy Baker, Jim Cummings, and Jennifer Hale is my dream job.

I'd like to try and be productive and contribute where I can and have a good time on this board and hope to try to get along well enough with those who frequent here.

Thanks for reading through all this and putting up with my bullshit. You may now commence with commentary, and PLEASE: be as brutal as the forum rules allow. I welcome it. I feed off of negativity and use it as fuel for... well, sobbing deeply in the corner.