Goddess Statue writing problem


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
When encountering the goddess statue north of Hawkethorne, the scene tells you about a statue, and a clearing, and an unnerving stillness.

Then it says you "approach the fountain"

This is very jarring, because nothing is said to be a fountain, or even that there's any water here before this identification:

You hadn’t been expecting the weather here to brighten so suddenly as you step from the brush and trees into a little clearing. What had been a brisk breeze settles to a comfortable warm stillness, but the change has you on edge and reaching for a weapon. When nothing leaps out at you from the comfortable calm it’s actually a surprise... not that your hand leaves your blade staff. At the center of the clearing is a singular stone statue; definitely a strange thing to see out in the middle of seemingly nowhere. A testing sniff of the air reveals nothing; no pheremonal tang to hint at lust-drug-laden creatures in the bushes, waiting to drag you of into the forest. There’s no growling of monsters either. The trees form a natural barrier, and the grass that had been tangling at your feet is instead cut short — almost perfectly — and it springs beneath your feet. You can't help but feel that something's not right. It's too... perfect. Too peaceful. Cait frowns, similarly on edge. On the other hand, such a peaceful and perfect place could well just be blessed. It would explain why the corruption hasn’t touched it yet... With a sigh you draw your blade staff, flipping it over in your hand. Still nothing. You gesture for Cait to take five at the edge of the clearing. If it’s a trap you’ll want her to pull you out. Cait frowns but relents, taking a seat on the spongy floor. You place your weapon down and approach the fountain instead, making sure to get a good look at it:

It reads like an intervening mention of a fountain, or at least running water, got cut out in a redraft.
(also Firefox spellcheck tells me that there's a 'pheremonal' tang)

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