Jump on the Jimt bandwagon! A list of thingies I have in game and have planned for the future.
Finished stuff that's in the game.
Future worries:
Shameless plug of my patreon at the bottom https://www.patreon.com/Gardeford
Finished stuff that's in the game.
- Shelly, the egg pregged bunny girl
- Frog girls from mhenga
- Giga celise expansion
- Liliana, the gold myr deserter
- Myr fungus
- Crystal goo(my version is in silly mode(not super ultra silly but not very lore friendly so there))
- Frog girls tf
- Kressia Survival sex scenes
- Bath house single assistant
- Flahne autofellatio
- Flahne Exhibition
- Penny surprise sex
- Shekka minigame
- Captain khorgan's lesbian scene
- maybe a few other small ones but idk
- Carbonado: fashion store & sauna for uveto
- Aina pregnancy
- Maja, korgi hold animal tamer
Future worries:
- something like HER
- Zil Nigh the science bi, courtesy of girderbeam enterprises.
- Zil Nigh: detective future
- Zil Nigh: Space Crisis
- Zil Nigh: interview with a Guarian
- Something sexy, without any of the characteristics jacques listed on the first page of jims hub doc.
Shameless plug of my patreon at the bottom https://www.patreon.com/Gardeford
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