My pc is a herm with a single vagina and cock with testicles with probe progress up to myrellion race is pure ausar(ausar treats till effects stop manifesting)
Steps to reproduce.
1. R.K. Lah is recaptured during the zil plantation quest.
2.(IDK if relevant but Tarkus quests out come was bomb defused)
3. fly to Gastigoth of the first time
4. In the same visit clickthrough all of the wardens dialog press leave then terminal then R.K. Lah then any sex option
Steps to reproduce.
1. R.K. Lah is recaptured during the zil plantation quest.
2.(IDK if relevant but Tarkus quests out come was bomb defused)
3. fly to Gastigoth of the first time
4. In the same visit clickthrough all of the wardens dialog press leave then terminal then R.K. Lah then any sex option
Version: 0.69.420-BACKER#1594 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cockVolume') Stack:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cockVolume')
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