[Game Version: 0.9.016-PUBLIC#2419] Racial Scoring System "Half-Human"


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Reguarding the very recent changes to the racial scoring system.
Minor tweaks to the new race scoring system to better support the starting races. (Gedan)

Is 'Half-Human' a new race that's been added?

Because before the big changes to the scoring system one of my characters was just a Half-Gryvain.
After the big scoring changes (TiTS 0.9.015) they ended up as a full Gryvain (Which was fair enough).

But after these changes that same character is now defined as a 'Half-Human'.
Races - 'Half-Human'.png
Races - Genotype Grades.png
I am wondering if this is intentional or not. If so, what the requirements for being labled a 'Half-Human' is (I'm assuming a 33% grade in Human).
Save file of the character included if that'll help at all.

Choosing 'Gryvain' as a starting race still makes you a full Gryvain instead of matching your initial Half-Gryvain race.

I'm mainly asking if this is intentional or not.
Because if it is that means that some scenes will be changed abit (I'm mainly thinking about stuff like Bianca's 'Mods' talk option and the appearance screen)
Starting Races - Gryvain From Start.png
Starting Races - Gryvain From Start - Appearance Screen.png


  • Blaze - 'Half-Human'.json
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