Game no longer saving? Version 0.6.26


New Member
Dec 28, 2022
This is a first for me, I downloaded version 0.6.26 last night to upgrade from my pervious 0.6.23 and after a couple of hours of play and several saves I turned off the game. Next, I transferred the save from 0.6.23 to the new folder containing 0.6.26 like I usually do, made a bit more progress in the game and finished up a couple of quests. Everything was fine and I turned off my game and set my PC to go to sleep. Strangest thing, when I got home today and loaded up the game, it appears that all the files that I had saved are gone. But saves certain saves seem to remain. If I do certain quests and progress the game and save it will show a save but if I quit out of the game and reload it, those saves are gone. The only exception seems to be if I create another new Save to File. I'm honestly confused about what's happening here as I've never had this issue before.