Game cannot advance after hatching of Mirrin's daughter Jenta


Mar 11, 2022
After Jenta hatched from her egg, I went to the nursery to visit her.

However, the game appears to be unable to advance after the final section of the scene. It doesn't crash or anything. Just doesn't let me advance.

I can access the main menu, load an old save file and swap between the map and stats interface. However, the 'Next' button does not work. I tried tapping the '1' shortcut key, clicking on it with a mouse, but neither work. I also tried reloading the save and closing and restarting the game but still ran into the same issue.

This is the scene in question.

"Scene By: SoAndSo
You’re not exactly sure how long you spend cradling and playing with your baby daughter. Somehow, you end up both cradling a baby and being cradled by Mirrin as you lay on your back with baby on belly. She takes a similar fascination with your features: stroking your black hair, trailing her thumb across your cheekbones and jaw, some very light massaging of the temples in all the right places, just like that baby, oh ye- “Ah fokk, the time. You see this? This is to tell me that some men in suits are waiting to give me some money for letting them turn me into a video game thiinnnng or uhhh, whatever it was. I gotta... gotta go,” fluffs the qilin, showing you a brief glimpse of some alert coming up on her communicator. Well shit. With all this going on, you hadn’t even noticed little Jenta drifting to sleep on your chest. Aw... You carefully slide yourself out of the comfort zone that is Mirrin’s lap and give her enough space to hurry off to where she needs. Some part of you wishes that you had a little more knowledge of all that’s going on in her business ventures, yet... something else tells you that it’s not exactly the same as shooting big ol’ space lasers. A nearby nursedroid already has her arms extended to receive the motionless Jenta, and you sigh as you hand her over. Space ain’t no place for the babes just yet. You and Mirrin enjoy a body-covering hug and whisper your goodbyes to each other. She clops off to the elevators and you take the stairs, definitely promising to yourself that you’ll come back later."
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