Galomax Stage 3, changing genital color


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
One feature that i think is sorely needed is that when at GaloMax stage three, you should have an option to make genital color match hair color. 

This option is granted when you reach stage four, but some folks like me remain at stage three.  This, combined with the fact that some transformations affect genital color, even goo genital colors, with only a handful of the entire spectrum of colors being possible to alter to at the current time.  I've trashed more then a few characters because i've realized that i've turned the genitals into an unpleasant color accidentally, or that certain transformatives i've planned on using would screw up my genital color. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
+1 although I'd also like to add the option to adjust the cock thickness ratio