Frosty or Nykke eggs mask Flurry eggs


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
My Steele did a conservation that resulted in Flurry carrying an egg sired by Frosty. Steele then left the nest to allow them to gestate. After they had delivered, Steele returned to the nest, and incubated all the waiting eggs (there were several eggs from Frosty and Nykke also piled up). However, all the text referred only to Frosty and Nykke's kips, and how they were hybrids, with no mention of Flurry's full blood kip.
It would seem that either a) the presence of any other eggs is masking Flurry's egg events, or b) that Flurry's events only show up if Steele sticks around for the gestation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
So after digging into the code it looks like Flurry preg and incubation scenes are handled separately from Frosty/Nykke. There is an option in Flurry's post sex menu to wait out the pregnancy and incubate the eggs, which has unique scenes regarding their kips including if they are full blooded. So if you want to see scenes referring to full blooded kips you need to use those scenes.
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