Fox/Kitsune TF Item


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Alright so you may be asking "Cori, isn't this idea something that's already gonna be tackled on by someone in the near future?"

Okay well yeah, I'm not that stupid. What i'm asking for are some ideas on the item(s). Should it go the route of the ausar TF and only make you half of a furry? Should they both make you go full furry? Or should it be like CoC, with one making you a full furry and one doing it halfway?

Also some basic stuff, like how would you obtain it, if it'd do anything extra, also a name and description (and if someone's already wrote an item for it).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There's a race called Sionach that's basicly Space-Kitsunes.They live close to the Kui-tan.

It either should be a tf for that race or a fox.morph tf.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Fox morph should be full furry while the Sionach TF can cover the half furry and kitsune. If someone wants to be a full furry kitsune then they can take the TFs sequentially. Just make it so that the fox TF doesn't remove/ reduce already present fox tails.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
For the Sionach TF, wouldn't there have to be a character present of that race first before it's made?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Kitsune typically denotes a 10% furry character, so I think the Sionach should definitely just cover the tail and possibly ear tf's possibly with some perks and other small cosmetic changes while the theoretical "fox berries" should be a full furry tf. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Kitsune in the sexualized sense are just attractive humans with fox ears, tails, and eyes. I'd hardly consider them furries at all, at least no more than catgirls. Although depending on the writer/artist I suppose they could have that arm/leg fur thing going on that Ausars do. Makes them look like they're permanently wearing sexy gloves and boots. Except they're soft and fluffy instead of leathery/latexy.

I like Kitsunes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Actually, classic kitsune is 100% furry. Human form of kitsune is 100% human. And that fox ears/tail human form lore-wise only happens with very young one-tailed kitsunes (under 100 years old) when they fail with their illusions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For the Sionach TF, wouldn't there have to be a character present of that race first before it's made?

Hehe that exact what Savin said to me long ago when I brought subject of Sionach TF. But in submission/idea section is at least 2 diff projects for sionach npc.