For things such as ass size and hip size, what range is considered "male" and "female"?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
For example, and ass-size of 0. Is this the default "male ass"? Same with hip-size. Is hipsize == 0 the default "male hip size"? The descriptions on the wiki seem to be written with females in mind, and while that is understandable, it's kind of hard to tell from them.

the reason I ask is mainly so that I don't run around with accidentally female-looking ass and hips when I'm trying to make a manly man type character.

It would also be nice to have a sense of scale for my female characters, so that I can run around with teh ass/hip size I want, rather than too small, or monstrously huge


Active Member
Jan 30, 2016
I'd say 0-4 in hip and butt is in the male range but you'll get higher masculinity the lower they both are.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Check out the relevant pages on the wiki. There are some general descriptors there for each.

This one doesn't seem to help very much... "Can change in size" doesn't really say much about the ranges for male/female butt/hips etc

But this link is very useful indeed! It seems that hips and ass sizes greater than or equal to 6 is considered feminine