FoE Fanfic - Queen Roa (Human/Anthro, Femmebois, M/M, Mpreg)

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
This is something I started contemplating after posting the below, over in the "Anusol+ and you" thread . Eventually, it just wouldn't leave me alone, so I figured, what the hell, who's it going to hurt if I actually try writing it? I used to write fanfics of my own all the time, it'd be nice to try and step back into the saddle.

On a different topic, I don't have any ideas how Roa being a follower could be pulled off. But, if it happened, I'd love the option to give him Anusol+. I don't know how to explain why it is, but I can't help but feel that Roa would make an excellent boi-mom and take to popping out litters of bunbuns with aplomb. I also think it'd be really good character development for him to reveal there's more of his mom in him than was thought by turning out to be a benevolent, nurturing and affectionate patriarch (matriarch?) for his brood, regardless of little details like who gave birth.

I just have this inescapable mental image of Roa in my head. His belly is hugely swollen, equivalent to a human woman's full-term with triplets, visibly rippling and denting as his litter squirms to get comfortable, anxious to come out into the world. The bunbuns from his last litter are tucked up next to him, one in the crook of each arm as they greedily nurse from Daddy's swollen, just barely breasts, suckling on the surprisingly rich bounty of life-giving milk he has to feed his children. The litter before that are gathered respectfully around Roa's feet, smiling up at him with childish joy as he espouses valuable life lessons to make sure his bunnies grow up to be good little rabbits. His cock is out of its sheath, half-erect and lazily rubbing against his belly, and he wears a smile of contentment, looking truly blissful at having found his place in the world.

I don't know why, but this image is just... I think it's erotic, adorable and heartwarming, all at the same time

This work is pure fan-created fiction! It has no official endorsement in any way, shape, form or continuity from the official FoE design & development team!

Apologies in advance for the content; it has been a LONG time since I wrote anything singlehandedly and, honestly, this is actually fairly new content for me to write instead of read. I hope it isn't TOO awful.

* Femmeboi
* Referenced M/M sex
* Mpreg
* Male Lactation
* Male Birth
* Orgasmic Birth
* Consensual Sex
* Consensual Pregnancy

* Roa
* Zeke/"Darling" (author OC; femmeboi PC)
* The Bunbuns (Roa's children)

Title: Queen Roa

Tucked away in a little bubble of normality in the void beyond the boundaries of normal space and time, the Gemstead spun through its own simulated seasons. A miniature world crafted by incredibly powerful magic, it reshaped itself in accordance with the desires of its occupants, driven by its very nature to keep them comfortable and happy. So it was that warm, gentle spring sunshine playfully crept across the forested estate-like interior of the pocket plane, the dawning of another beautiful faux-day. In her personal quarters in the "Tower of Roses", the voluptuous form of Cveta threw open the window, basking in the sunlight as it added its own warmth to her ever-gravid womb, the egg-stuffed orb jiggling slightly as she strutted onto her balcony. On pure instinct, she raised her voice in a sweet, wordless melody, her myriad chicks cheeping along in eager chorus as they greeted the day together, serenading their strange extended family to wake up and join the new day.

One occupant of the Gemstead was less than thrilled at the prospect. In the roots of a particularly mighty tree, Roa grumbled to himself and tried to wriggle away from the taunting shafts of light that pierced through his windows, illuminating his bed in his cosy little nook beneath the tree. You could take the bunny out of the warrens, but you couldn't take the warrens out of the bunny. He tucked his head beneath his pillows, still insisting on trying to wring out that last few minutes of sleep... and then, his body twitched and jolted, bedding visibly lifting as something wriggled under the covers with him.

"Okay, okay, I'm up, I'm up," he sighed softly, his affectionate tone belying his words. With a loud grunt of effort he pushed himself upright, wriggling his way out of his sheets. He yawned loudly and stretched as high as he could, his toes wriggling as he popped some stiff joints before swinging his legs out over the bed. With a soft groan, he hauled himself out of bed, and lumbered awkwardly away from it.

Roa's quarters were the height of luxury, truly fit for a prince amongst bunnies... by the standards of the warrens, at least. Those from a more sumptuous environment would have described them more as humbly cosy. The bed was the greatest luxury; a soft, plush mattress big enough to hold even Vena, the massively amazonian milfy matriarch of the warrens, comfortably in its embrace, piled high with the finest of soft blankets and plump pillows. The rest of Roa's burrow was quite small; consisting of a single circular chamber, against its walls were placed a shelf bearing neatly laid-out sex toys, a small walk-in pantry that had become very useful in recent months, and a floor to ceiling mirror. This caught Roa's attention, and he moved without hesitation to pose before it, smiling happily as he admired himself.

"Hello there, sexy," he giggled, strutting about the find the best angle to ogle himself from. His gaze swept over his reflection, full plump lips curved into a seductive moue as he took in the view. "I am just the cutest bunny," he crooned, admiring his delicate, girlish features and supple, the velvety pink fur covering his frame, the womanly curves of his hips and the delicious fullness of his ass. A sharp grunt escaped his lips as he felt a sudden firm impact below his ribcage. Looking down at his midriff, he smiled sweetly. "Oh, don't worry, sweeties, you'll be even cuter. How can you not, with daddies like yours?" he tittered, rubbing his belly... his very, very pregnant belly.

Roa had never been exactly a paragon of masculinity, but in his present condition, only someone who knew him well wouldn't mistake him for an abnormally flat-chested woman at a first glance. Or even a second one. His once trim stomach had ballooned outwards, a monstrously engorged swell that made the petite lagomorph look like he had tried to swallow a watermelon whole. Its ripe hugeness occasionally dimpled, small bumps rising on its spherical surface as the bunny-boi's brood kicked or shifted inside of him. The lapin's dainty hands caressed his hugeness with a mixture of maternal joy and possessive pride; he was so big now that he couldn't even reach his dimpled-out belly-button, the small bump just inches beyond his fingertips. He could hardly remember the last time he saw his feet... or his dick, for that matter. But, as he observed with a smirk, he didn't need to see it in order to enjoy it, his impressive piece of bunnymeat gliding lazily from his sheath to rub gently against his soft underbelly, the touch sending prickles of pleasure racing under his skin.

"Mmm... you're getting so big now; when are you going to come out and say hello? Or are you waiting for your other daddy to get back from the road first?" Roa mused, hoping that "darling" was doing alright in his quest. Although his feelings would never fit the conventional definition held by non-bunnies, in his own lapin way, Roa deeply loved his partner. It had been an infatuation that started the moment their eyes met across the "greeting room" of the Shadow Lady; though Roa was an unabashed buttslut, a cockfiend who lived for being filled with hot dick and hotter cum, he still loved a beautiful, lady-like appearance. Zeke had been like a dream come true; a fellow femmeboi, but one hung like a stud. The human had swept Roa off of his feet, a mixture of friendliness, tender affections and hot dickings that had the bunny-boi head over heels in what felt like no time at all. When he'd learned that his boyfriend had defeated his tyrannical father and restored his mother's mind, how could Roa do anything other than accept Zeke's invitation to leave the brothel and stay with him? Truth be told, at that point, he'd been so infatuated that it was actually starting to affect his work; he'd been working up the courage to ask if he could go with Zeke before his beloved boyfriend had surprised him by asking first.

Swept away to his own little slice of paradise, and finding a new family in the form of his darling's other lovers - including some really fun folks to fuck on the side, like Miranda... when Zeke had proposed Roa and he start a family, the lapin had been ecstatic. Even the human's proposal that Roa do the carrying wasn't enough to give him pause; he couldn't adventure like his boyfriend did, so it made sense that he stayed home and kept house, so to speak. Besides, the sheer kinkiness of getting pregnant through his butt... mmm, he couldn't wait to give it a try.

An audible rumbling noise and a flurry of kicks snapped Roa back to his senses. He grinned down apologetically and rubbed his belly in an effort to soothe them. "I know, I know, it's time for breakfast. Don't worry now, daddy will take care of it," he assured his brood. He took one last appreciative glance at his reflection and then waddled to the gentle incline that led up to his door.

"Oof! Ugnnh... swear this tunnel's shrunk since yesterday... got to expand that for next time," he grunted. A moment or three later, and he was literally squeezing himself out of his doorway, trying vainly to suck in his tummy to help avoid getting wedged there. After a terrifying moment where it seemed he was going to be caught, he popped out like a cork shot from a bottle, stumbling to keep from falling on his face. Luckily, he had a lot of practice at carrying heavy loads. He stopped and glared over his shoulder at his doorway, and then determinedly started waddling for the main estate.


Although he loved his own little burrow dearly, the estate's kitchen/dining room combo had to be one of the rooms that Roa loved most since moving here. It put the meager cooking areas of his old home to shame; a huge feasthall of soft cushions and low tables, warm and cosy in winter and pleasantly cool in summer, and always full of delicious treats. Especially when Momo was here to man the kitchen, as she was today. The draconic hybrid sang sweetly to herself as she darted from oven to stove, never a wasted motion as she prepared the huge feast that was the average breakfast here in the Gemstead.

"Morning, sweetheart! How're you feeling?" she asked, turning one of those beautiful warm smiles, the ones that always reminded Roa of his mom, towards the pregnant lapin.

"We're hungry!" Roa giggled back, rubbing his belly for emphasis. "What's on the table today?"

"All sorts of goodies. Fresh bread, rich hard cheese, grilled sausage, tomato sauce, bacon, eggs, lamb chops..." Momo trailed off and laughed sweetly at Roa's wide eyes and drooling tongue. "Go on then, dig in; growing boy like you needs his nourishment, right?" she quipped.

Roa didn't waste time retorting. He just hauled himself into a seat, dragged over a platter and some cutlery, and then started tucking in to everything he could reach. Bread and cheese for starters, to whet his appetite, then links of sausage for a first course. Utterly devoid of a gag reflex, Roa would sometimes swallow them whole, delighting in the feel of hot, rich meat sliding down his gullet; non-morphic rabbits might be herbivores, but the same couldn't be said for morphic ones. Roa's babies demanded protein, and Roa was determined to give it to them. Grease began to shine on his face, smeared over his lips and cheeks, and still he guzzled away. Delighting in the knowledge that all the food he could ever want was right at his call, he gorged himself with abandon, his unborn brood beating a tattoo against his midriff as if cheering him on his feasting.

But even Roa's appetite had its limits, hungry mouths to feed or not. All too soon, his cutlery clinked against his plate as he cradled his bloated belly with his messy hands, moaning softly.

"Honey? You feeling okay? You look like you're about to pop..." Momo noted in concern, a nervous look in her eyes at the thought.

Roa opened his mouth, meaning to reassure her, and then belched hugely, his plate rattling at the force of it. "...Whoops. Excuse me!" Roa pleaded, timidly giggling as he covered his mouth in mortification; he'd never been so rude before! "I guess we were all hungrier than I thought," he lamented.

"It's quite alright; like I said, you're a growing boy with a lot of growing boys inside of you. Course you're going to need to feed yourself," Momo said, lightly waving it off.

"Actually, darling says we're probably going to have girls - or 'girls', at least. Something about the potion and the sort of parents we are," Roa confessed, still unable to look the dragonette in the eye.

"Busty or flat, penis, vagoo or both, they're going to be your babies and the two of you are going to love them. They're going to be the cutest, sweetest, most spoiled rotten little bunnies that there ever will be," Momo declared, brooking no argument in her words.

"You always know how to make a guy feel better," Roa said, smiling warmly. He licked his lips, tasting grease, egg yolk, sauce and bread crumbs, and then looked down at himself, covered in drips and smears of the same, all over his chest and stomach. He really had gotten carried away with his breakfast. Giggling nervously, he confessed, "I'm going to go hit the baths," and then laboriously raised himself to his feet. He staggered away in the direction of the communal bathing room, his waddle considerably more pronounced going out than it was when he came in.


Next to the kitchen, the baths were the best thing about the Gemstead. They were a glorious affair, multiple pools of cool and deliciously warm water perfectly sized for one or more bathers. Fountains and waterfalls added to the room's serenity and made it as much a place for playful leisure as one for cleaning, and the decor could shift to just about anything that a bather might desire. Right now, it'd been set on some sort of tropical jungle stream, with dense foliage covering the walls and ceiling and providing makeshift cover between little groves and ponds. The room stretched on for far larger than it should have from the outside, one of the many quirks of this strange, magical little world that Roa had come to call home.

Roa sighed heartily, blissfully sinking into a nice warm pond cradled between the roots of a huge oak-like tree, covered in soft moss. The water felt so good on his stretched skin, and even as he lazily scrubbed the detritus of breakfast from his body, he exulted in feeling so light. He loved his babies, he really did; his pregnancy had been a thing of marvels and surprises, and he knew in the depths of his heart that he was going to do this again, and then probably again, like any bunny would, but that didn't mean the weight of lugging his litter around didn't get to him at times. Truth be told, as much as he liked being pregnant, he really had reached a point where he was just ready for them to come out already.

Almost is if called by the thought, a sudden spasm wracked his body, Roa gasping in shock as his belly suddenly clenched down tightly. "Aahh! Wha? B-babies, what's going on?" he pleaded in confusion, rubbing at his gravid bump. No answering kicks came from within this time; instead, his body shuddered again as another involuntary flexing of muscles rippled across his body, his guts squeezing down.

On pure instinct, he scrambled from the pool, near-crawling on all fours as his stomach scraped along the ground. He dragged himself into the comfort of a large patch of moss, and cried out in shock as he felt his magically resculpted asshole - his literal "boipussy" - gape open and flutter, a cascade of fluids pouring from inside of him and spraying against the root he now leaned against.

"Wha- Oh! You finally had enough, you want to come out? You could have warned daddy, you know," Roa managed to chuckle. With clarity came calmness; he purposefully hauled himself upright again, spinning around to face the tree. Digging his fingers into a coating of moss too thick to let his fingertips graze the wood, he gulped for air and screwed his eyes shut, letting the trunk support his weight as his body began its work.

Whether it was magic or just the nature of rabbit-morphs or some combination of the two, there was no pain. Roa was intimately aware of every clench of his muscles, his womb working to expel the little lives it had nurtured for all these months, but it didn't hurt. It was like a flexing of an athlete's limbs, the feeling of a body doing what it was made to do, underlaid by a deep sense of satisfaction and anticipation. Indeed, as Roa felt his first baby drop down into his pelvis, steadily gliding down his flexing canal, he found himself growing hard. This was like... like being fucked in reverse by the biggest, heaviest, solidest dick that he could image. A true behemoth of meat slowly making its way down, stretching him wide and leaving him weak at the knees... really, what more could a buttslut want?

"Oh! Oh! Mmm, yes, you make your daddy feel so good," Roa crooned, giggling and shifting his stance slightly, letting gravity lend a helping hand in coaxing his first born into the world. The world around him disappeared in a haze of darkness as he felt his prostate crushed, ground down more tightly than even his darling boyfriend had managed to make him. He gasped and squealed, wriggling as the baby bunny unflinchingly pushed down through his boycunt, triggering every anal pleasure-nerve that the effeminate lapine had.

With a squeal of bliss, Roa arched his back, erupting in one to the hardest prostate orgasms he could remember having. Thick jets of lagomorph semen sprayed across the treetrunk, soaking into the green moss and turning it white before it absorbed it. Stars flashed and danced in the blackness of Roa's eyes before finally it came to an end, his still half-hard cock spewing a final spurt of seed onto the ground. Roa opened his eyes, sighing in bliss... only to be snapped back to reality by a thin, squeaky wail coming from down below.

Carefully shuffling about, Roa found the source; a squalling little white bunbun, still connected to him by a cord that trailed from its belly up under his tail, howling fit to burst as it protested being vacated from its warm, comfortable home. The new father beamed with paternal delight, and made to reach down for his new baby, only to feel another clench in his belly, harder than before. Blinking, he realised his stomach was still hugely swollen, stretched tight as a drum over the contents of a womb still full of even more bunbuns... babies that his body was even now preparing to deliver with the same orgasmic enthusiasm as before...

"Oh, goodie..."


An hour later, a sighing Roa nestled in a particularly dense and soft patch of moss, his lap no longer occupied by his belly, but by six squeaking, chirping little bunbuns. Two of them rested in the crooks of his arms, pressing their lips to his swollen nipples and suckling greedily. Roa had noticed himself leaking on occasion, usually when he played with himself, but he was surprised to see just how much milk he actually had to give his little ones. Pleasantly so, given how voraciously they were guzzling away. Only when they stopped did he switch over, smoothly shifting his brood around.

He noticed that, when it came to genitals, he seemed to have two of each; males, females or herms. Of course, as Zeke had warned him, they wouldn't really know what they were until puberty started to come in. But, in all honesty, Roa couldn't care less. Like Momo had said; they were his babies, and he loved them.

"Roa? Roa, are you in here? Momo said she last saw you come this way."

"Darling!" Roa squeaked loudly, looking excitedly towards the door. "Come this way, over here! Come and say hello to our new family!" He chirped, beaming from ear to ear as he heard the footsteps racing towards him. He couldn't wait to do this again... 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is fantasic; exactly what your shorter sample promised and more. i can't speak for anyone else, but I know that I personally get close to as much out of a standalone fiction like this as I do from something that's been implemented for play in the game itself. Really well done!

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Heh. Well, thank you for the compliment. If I can get idea seeds for this, I might make this a "multishot" series, covering different parts of Roa's maternal blossoming and interactions. Assuming folks would be interested in that, of course.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
oh wow you just made me love roa even more now <3 he was a second fave npc but he is first now >x3 
id love to see more of this like the first words or learning to walk or just some cute times with their mummy and daddy

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Glad to hear that this story has its fans. I am taking requests for other oneshots in this story's overarching continuity.

Hell, if I thought there'd be an audience for it, I might try some other FoE oneshots. There's some characters I'd love to do a little pure writefluffery with.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd love to see this sort but another bunches of buns in the future. Roa continuing to blossom into an ultimate broodpoppa.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Heh, thanks for the compliment, Bravanger. Like I said above, if I get requests/ideas for specific follow-ups to this, I can probably turn out secondary shots and sequels. All I need are ideas on what to write. Even concept suggestions like "Roa and Zeke making tender preggyboi love" or "Roa tries to deal with the fact he's now got boobs" or "Roa acts as pregnant confidante to a nervous first-timer amongst the followers" or "boys, girls or grrls?" are handy to give me inspiration and get me to do stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Consider this a strong endorsement of scenario number two. Also, three. Also, one as well. But mostly two.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Heh. Well, I hope you won't be shy about suggesting ideas. It's surprisingly cathartic to take a shot at stuff like this. It's non-official as all hell, but even so, if people like it and want to see more of it, well, it helps me get in the mood for when I write stuff that actually is official.

...Do I actually need to keep tagging these?

Queen Roa: The Nurse's Price
Sissy hummed to herself as she polished another glass, holding it up to the light to admire the sparkling sheen. A small, proud grin blossomed over her lips; cleaning glasses effectively was a barkeeper's skill. The slightest lingering spoils could taint and therefor ruin the next drink, so every mug had to be rinsed and polished perfectly before it could be used again. Especially when you were serving the specialty drinks that Sissy did.

As she picked up the next  glass to clean, a shadow fell over the bar, attracting one delicate pink eye. "Why, hi there, there. What can I do you for...? Oh, hello, cutie-bun. Been a while since I seen you around here," she chirped, looking away from the mug to her newest guest.

Roa smiled absently, waddling over to a seat and slowly clambering into it with a soft grunt of effort. "Morning, Sissy," he said softly. As the lizan patiently polished her mug, he sighed and looked up at her. "Sissy... do you think I've put on weight?"

Sissy looked at Roa in surprise. She stared into his eyes, reading his expression to see if he was serious. Then, as if drawn by a magnet, her gaze slide down his torso towards the swell of his belly, his pregnant bulge so advanced he would have been alarming if she hadn't seen him at least this bloated the last time.

A small bump rose and fell on the surface as one of Roa's unborn kits kicked, and the lapine absently rubbed it. "I didn't mean down here," he clarified. "I meant up here... I ran into Zina before and, well, she said I've grown tits," he said, gloomily groping at his chest for emphasis.

That made Sissy pay a little more attention, her gaze transferring itself to the lagomorph's ever-bare chest. She had to admit, she didn't normally pay much attention to Roa's masculinity, or lack thereof. It wasn't as if she comfortably fit under any average definition of binary gendership herself, and besides, between the pink fur, the gorgeously sexy butt - Sissy was more of a catcher than a pitch, but she would relish the opportunity to try seeing just how stretchy he was - the cute little face, the plump cock-sucking lips, and the near-permanent pregnant belly, Roa tended to just get slotted into "female" at a glance. Whether or not he actually had boobs had always been more of an academic matter than anything. But now...

"I'm sorry, but Zina was kind of telling the truth. You've got breasts now. But they're only small now," she hastened to assure him. Which was true; she didn't think he was anything more than an A-cup at the moment, which was part of the reason she hasn't noticed his sudden increase in curviness.

Roa didn't look very appreciative of her efforts, though. "But I'm not supposed to have breasts - I'm a boy!" he protested.

Sissy gave the upset lapine a look, leveled and calm. "You're not really supposed to be pregnant, either, but you seem to do that fairly often," she quipped. "Or am I remembering some other cutie-bun wandering around flaunting his baby-belly and inviting anyone who looked at it to give him a tummy-rub?"

Roa's ears flicked nervously and he grinned sheepishly, his equivalent to a blush. "I... um, well..."

"I hate to say it, Roa, but this is kind of to be expected. I mean, you just keep popping out those little bunbuns - you're turning into a real baby-maker, just like your mommy," Sissy observed. She'd only met Vena once, but the bunny matriarch had definitely left an impression.

The pregnant lagomorph perked up at the lizan's words, looking interested. "You really think so?" he asked, smiling proudly as he lovingly cradled his swollen bulge.

"Mm-hmm. You just keep making bunnies in that big ol' belly of yours. And that's a lot of extra little mouths to feed, especially since you insist on trying to handle most of the nursing yourself..."

"It's not fair to expect Moira and her daughters to do all the work, especially when the others have their kids to feed too!" Roa protested.

Sissy smiled warmly at him. "I know; that's one of the reasons we love you so much, little cutie-bun - you got a good heart in there. But the truth is, so long as you keep making babies, and then keep feeding them yourself, your breasts are just going to keep on growing. You need someplace to store all that milk, after all. So, unless you want to stop getting pregnant -"

Roa gave the bartending dickgirl an "are you crazy?" sort of look, with surprising adeptness for someone who'd never done so before.

"-Then you'll just have to get used to it," Sissy concluded.

Roa sat there silently, rubbing his belly contemplatively. Slowly, he smiled softly and reached up to gently brush one swollen nipple. "Well... if it's for the babies, it's not so bad. I mean, what's a pair of breasts, right?" he asked.

Sissy simply smiled and nodded. "Besides, they look really cute on you - and the bigger they get, the cuter you'll look. Plus... well, let's just say, they can be a lot of fun in the bedroom, too," she giggled.

Roa's ears flicked again as he sheepishly confessed, "I have.. sort of noticed that. Will that get better as they get bigger?"

"Well, I thought so," Sissy replied, playfully groping one of her own ample tits for emphasis.

Silence reigned for a few minutes as Roa contemplated that matter. "...Do you think I'll get as big as mommy?" he asked, sounding rather hopeful at the prospect.

"Well... maybe? Going to take a LOT of baby bunbuns to need that much milk..."


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
I smell foreshadowing. Wait, is that something I should be able to smell? Eh, whatever, I can smell it!

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Prophetic? I don't know about that. I mean, Vena's tits are at least, what, a G-cup? And she's over two meters tall. Roa is... alright, I don't know how big Roa is, but I'm pretty sure he's small even for bunnies, so that'd be about five feet. If Roa's tits grew that big, I don't know if he'd even be able to walk.

Glad folks like this litle multishot serial so much. As I keep saying, I'm open to ideas/requests. Just no parent/child incest, okay? Really does nothing for me. So if there's scenarios you'd like to see played out, or scenes you like the look of, I'm interested in hearing them. I'm not exactly overflowing with material for this, even if I am liking it myself.

I wonder if I can get away with a seperate topic for other assorted fanfic ideas I've had. Got some oneshots boiling around my head, but I don't want to be cluttering up the threads...


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hmmm. Ya know what? If Roa is getting (slowly but surely) bigger. Then should clothes shopping come in at some point? And by that I mean clothing of the lingerie and dress varieties. The belly is already adding enough weight. He doesn't need to hurt his back even more, a bit of support would be nice. I see him asking a few of the girls/"girls" to help him out on his first time getting things like bras ETC... Since he has obviously never worn those before. It could even turn in to a whole fashion model scenario. Heck even some of the others could "model".  (the PC/Zeke popping in and commenting on something being cute?)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That'd be goddamned adorable. I don't know who is her original writer, but that would also present an opportunity for some interaction with Fera. who is pretty darn adorable herself.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Hmm. I don't know if I'd be able to include Fera, as I was thinking the modelling would happen in the security of their own home, but all in all, an interesting idea. I think I might make that the next one.

Then again, I also just had a mental oneshot of Roa at the yearly birthday for the kids, leading to some fun interaction with babybuns including them presenting him with a crown so he can be queen. I don't know, maybe a possibility there?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Roa getting some sort of hand-crafted crown, not unlike the sort of macaroni necklaces kids make their moms, seems like it would be a pretty perfect note for Queen Roa.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Could you imagine how big your fridge would have to be to put (not only Roa's) all the kid's drawings on? heh