“function Ka(){return null==flags.BIZZY_PORN_STUDIO?"Smutosaur.us":flags.BIZZY_PORN_STUDIO_NAME} it is! Very imaginative.”
As you can see, this is the first flag of the issue, with the second mention of the chosen name resulting in:
Steel Experimental XenostudiosSteel Experimental Xenostudios[pornStudioName]
And yes, the acronym is SEX. Not as catchy as TiTS, sure, but it makes me chuckle.
As you can see, this is the first flag of the issue, with the second mention of the chosen name resulting in:
Steel Experimental XenostudiosSteel Experimental Xenostudios[pornStudioName]
And yes, the acronym is SEX. Not as catchy as TiTS, sure, but it makes me chuckle.