Both types of periodic Lane payments , the 500 credits one she takes from you, or the 200 credits one can extract out of her later, seem to be calculated in a way that disregards rounded results.
The 500 credits payment was fluctuating between 490 and 650 credits, but always with an ammount like: 632.54872132658478.
And the 200 ccredits payment is the same:
The 500 credits payment was fluctuating between 490 and 650 credits, but always with an ammount like: 632.54872132658478.
And the 200 ccredits payment is the same:
[D: 381 T: 04:20] A notification arrives in your codex’s message box with a shrill bleep.
Quickly reading it, it’s a credit transfer message;
Lane has paid you a total of 236.11111111110858 credits, right on time.