[Feedback] Sidebar design question. Map and stats exclusive?


Apr 27, 2016
I understand that the game is WIP and a lot of design work is still being done. Hopefully a little feedback is helpful.

When I'm roaming in the game (95% of my time playing) the two things on the sidebar I need the most are the map and my stats (buffs, debuffs, need to rest, etc). Yet the UI in the JS version forces me to pick just one.

Frankly, I'd much rather be able to hide one of the 2x3 button grids if I must hide something. Or hide my portrait.

I understand the need to design for multiple screens and use cases. No doubt mobile needs to be able to physically click the nav buttons. But I'd really really like to be able to examine the two most critical parts of the sidebar at the same time when I am exploring.

Put another way, it's the stats/effects screen that drives me to interact with the inventory/rest/masturbate buttons, not the other way around. Those buttons rarely have new information to show, and are accessible by keyboard shortcut on PC to boot.

Some examples:

1. I notice my lust is high, so I click the masturbation button.
2. I notice my energy is low, so I click the rest button.
3. I notice my health is low, so I open my inventory to use a health item.

Since I need the map up to steer, having the buttons up is pointless if I can't see the screen that would drive me to them.

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